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POLL Do you want to see a Skyrim 'Remastered' edition?

  • Member
    May 9, 2016

    Here, here!

  • Member
    May 9, 2016

    A remastered Skyrim would be so wonderful, especially with the prospect of mods. The new lease of life we will see would be worth it and I think Beth are so powerful now they can petty much do what they want, outsource the project to a third party without it influencing the development of TES VI. 

    All that said, backwards compatibility alone with revolutionize what many of us do without the need for a remastered version. Having a better looking and mod supporting Skyrim would be icing on the cake, though.

  • Member
    May 9, 2016
    It would be cool but the only reason I'd think someone would buy it is if you can go to nexus or steam and download mods. It would just be the PS3 version with slightly better graphics if not.
  • May 9, 2016

    I'd love to see Skyrim remastered. The game itself is timeless. Giving people a chance to experience it all again would be wonderful, especially if there's mod support for consoles. I would drop every other game just to play a remastered Skyrim. 

  • Member
    May 9, 2016
    Would love to see something like this, but would also like Obliv/morrowind booted over. Or perhaps some strange inexplicable way for my characters to all teleport between locations and timelines... The champion of cyrodil roaming morrowind, last dragonborn saving/rescuing the dragonborn of that time period in cyrodil, and the best of all, nereverine proving the dragonborn is just an amateur :p Naturally that's highly unlikely and somewhat bland considering the effort it would likely take
  • Member
    May 10, 2016


  • May 10, 2016

    As long as they chuck the junky engine and make a game that's actually stable even without mods, and make it 64-bit this time, and give us something better than crappy Papyrus to run scripts with

  • Member
    May 10, 2016

    I think they should remaster, add the survival mode of Fo4, maybe even the integrated mods idea.

  • Member
    May 10, 2016

    I think it would be smarter to do a Battlespire or Redguard, just to test the water, since they're both smaller games and it would allow newer fans to get into the more obscure lore featured in those games. Plus, if the mess up, the only person they have to worry about pissing off is me

  • Member
    May 10, 2016
    I'd only buy it if it cost like $5. Skyrim doesn't need a remaster.