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The annoyances of writing...

  • January 27, 2015

    A few tips for writers block:

    Free writing- Basically just sit down with a pen or at your keyboard, set a timer (10-20 minutes works good) and just write. Don't worry about quality, grammar, spelling or anything like that, just write. The ideal is to never have your pen leave the page or stop moving, even if you just repeat the same word over and over. Don't think about it. When you're done, then you can re-read it and think about editing it into something good. Sometimes just getting something down on the page gives you the direction or inspiration you were lacking. 

    Write a difficult scene- Don't know where to go next? Write a scene with your character that would never happen and is irrelevant to your story. Can't write more for you bloodthirsty barbarian murderer story? Write a scene where he is with his bossy niece who wants him to join her tea party. The exercise will make you think about your character and make them seem less two dimensional, hopefully making it easier to continue the story.

    Hope this helps. 

  • Member
    March 21, 2015

    For me writers block is one thing I don't suffer from. I've currently over a hundred post it notes in a folder, planning where my story is going.

    One problem I have is the characters don't always follow the script. A prime example is in one chapter three of my characters need to go to Fort greymoor to get an Imperial cart to smuggle someone into Solitude. The plan was enter the fort and legate Rikke aquision the cart. Done..
    Except Sotek and Aela decided the fort was full of bandits so they went on a werewolf rampage. What was supposed to take half a chapter ended up taking two. Thanks guys...

    My biggest proplem is lack of writing experiance... Poor grammer and teh like. No doubt with time I'll improve. In some ways I'm my worst enemy as I don't have the time to work for long on a chapter.

    The main reasons I write is enjoyent. Seeing my main character, Sotek grow from a haples Argonian to a battle hardened leader of the companions. And my wife who I read my story to on a regular scale. Hearing her laugh when Sotek and Aela get chased by Tilma and her mop makes the whole thing worth it. Faults and all.

  • Member
    March 21, 2015

    If you're getting something worthwhile out of your writing, that's great. You can't honestly ask for more than that. 

    I can sympathize with your issue. In DOTE, my chapters are planned well in advance, but often times the events will change slightly because my notes don't factor in my characters' personalities. I honestly like it that way. I'm more organic when it comes to writing - it's fun to experiment with spur-of-the-moment ideas.

    Sometimes you have to be careful with that, though. It's important to keep your characters consistent and try new things, but you're also trying to write an entertaining story (with some degree of polish). Knowing when to be conservative with your writing is a function of skill. 

    As for a lack of experience... I've tried writing many stories over the years (both long epics and short stories) and have produced a lot of garbage. Some good ideas, maybe, but still garbage. Then one day I looked over my first chapter of DOTE and thought to myself, "Holy crap! When could I write like this!?"

    Gaining experience isn't something you can measure. It just sort of... happens.