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Honest Opinions on Fan Fiction?

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    I would agree with this. At the end of the day, fanfiction is an easy thing to ignore. I've created a number of non-writing related works over the years - they were pretty pathetic. But, like poor fanfictions can be, they were learning experiences and paths to improvement.

  • May 27, 2014

    Fanfiction was really where I first started to enjoy writing and I owe a lot to it. When I was 11-12 I was always terrible at creating characters, so I borrowed Harry Potter's and LOTR's, and it taught me how to create interesting story-lines, how to write in-character, not to mention that it led me to writing novels and novellas that were actually published both online and in print.

    I think fanfiction is a lot easier to wright because the author is familiar with the characters and the world, which can be a double edged sword. Every reader has a different interpretation of characters and their motives, or even mechanics in the world. Some see friendship, others see OST (which gets us slash). Where some see strength, others see evil (which gives us hate-fics). And then there's pointless sex scenes and other things, but I don't think it's the fault of the "genre" of fanfiction. These are problems (unrealistic characters, pandering sex, personal vendettas and hate) of bad writers in every form of writing. It's just easier to see in fanfiction because you need no qualifications to write it, no literary agent, no editor or publishing house, not even a quick once-over.

    But then there's the golden rule of internet fanfiction: for every hundred that make you want to shoot someone, there's one that's worth dying for. Somewhere, there are incredibly talented writers who want to goof off or get a better understanding of a canon that they love. There are some really great stories that are better than a lot of published books. I have a friend who writes fanfic to celebrate the canon, like others do cosplay.

  • Member
    October 30, 2014

    The only time I have read fan-fiction was when I got tired of waiting for the next book of a song of ice and fire. I came across a truly excellent conclusion to the story of about 1500 pages.

    From what I've seen since, that was a true gem and a rarity and I was really lucky to have found it. I have tried reading some fan fic stories, but mostly I give up and just read a real book.

  • Member
    October 30, 2014

    Never really liked fan fiction based on pre-existing characters. I much prefer fics based on original characters within pre-existing universes, but I've never read any outside of TES. Other than that, I'd rather just read a book. 

  • Member
    October 30, 2014


  • Member
    October 30, 2014

    Same. XD