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Honest Opinions on Fan Fiction?

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    I do find it harder to find fanfiction in fantasy settings, however, lore/story is less messed up in stuff set in the "real world." It's just the name of the game.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    Yeah, it's easy with fantasy and sci-fi to forget the "rules" established by the author, which is sure to be reflected in the fiction.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    Right... Well, at least I know to avoid it now.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    A shame, that. For many people, including myself, the rules and established boundaries of a world are quite crucial to maintain. They define what does and doesn't make sense.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    Honestly with the rise in AUs (Alternate Universes) I find myself caring less and less about lore, as long as they explain that they are going to tweak things as such. I don't expect people to know everything, as they did not create the foundation.

    It's like how one would expect historical fiction movies to be. "Based on something loosely." As long as it's written well you can get away with anything.

  • May 26, 2014

    Sometimes, it can expand and make the thing better. Other times, it makes the thing worse. 

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    I don't buy much into the AU style. Most of the time, it's tacked on to the beginning/end of a shoddy piece to justify "the ship" or whatever other liberties have been taken. If a writer has cool ideas, and can write them well, I'd much prefer they go they extra mile and create them in an original setting, instead of changing an established one beyond recognition and calling it an AU.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    Plus you have to remember, the creators of fanfiction do not make money off of what they do, and as such do not really harm the thing they base their ideas off of. Rather what harms it is the people making a big deal out of it, leave the twelve year old writer be so they can grow their writing.

    Without being paid people create large stories, and if they miss a few things, fine, I don't expect them to work hard on what they will not get compensation for.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    Very very true, though even if they were making money, it really wouldn't be anyone else's place to complain about it when they can simply ignore. Its the same way I feel about the rash of movie remakes and reboots. It's tiring, hearing how X movie has "ruined my childhood."

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    Well it's how it is, a lot of big companies can get away with AUs, for example:
    "Various other Sherlock Holmes works"

    They being classified as AUs, yet being successful does mean that AUs can prosper and be written well.