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Honest Opinions on Fan Fiction?

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    Perhaps this is an odd discussion to start, but I feel it's definitely one worth having.

    ~ * ~

    What are your honest thoughts on fan fiction? Many of us here in the group write them; myself included. One might think that I enjoy fan fiction simply because I write one.

    But in actuality, I don't - at least not very much.

    I've never written fan fiction outside of Dragon of the East (it is doubtful I ever will again) and I've never really gone out of my way to read that many for recreation. Too often I see stories that fail to do justice for the IPs they try to emulate. They're just so poorly written...

    Moreover, it can feel crowded having so many fictions that involve similar or overlapping characters. And don't get me started on crap like shipping fantasies. There's a good reason why some authors expressly request that fan fictions not be written based on their works. Some people have no respect for the integrity of other's ideas.

    At the same time, though, fan fictions can be indicative of a truly rich and dedicated fan-base. When an IP lends itself well to fan created content (like the elder scrolls), it can become a vessel for truly remarkable works of fiction. Moreover, it can be quite fun to romp around in an established world, seeing the possibilities of what can be made in a sandbox outside of your own.

    ~ * ~

    What do you think? What is Fan Fiction to you? What do you like or dislike about it? Do you think it has a legitimate place in writing? Share your thoughts here.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014
    My honest opinion? Fan fiction is amazing when you know where to look, such as on this site. Examples include: The Outsider and Desert Thirst
  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    I see fan fiction as a tribute to the product in question, nobody writes fiction for something that sucks (at least I didn't see any). But like anything else it needs to have quality, poor fan fiction does disservice to the product itself.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014
    Well, as for horrible fanfiction, it's like tarnishing a family name. You take something great , and turn it into a laughing stock.
  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    I really don't mind good or bad fanfiction, but I say this as a person who's known it since she was 12. Fanfiction can be ignored if one does not like to read it, and it can promote writing and creativity in all people. My only thing I have with fanfiction is people posting it where it's not meant to be posted, and when people don't tag/flag their stories as a way to allow people to toggle what fanfiction they see. I'd rather not have kids see the things I have seen.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014
    Yeah... I didn't know what smut meant when I was 12, and every M rated story on I have read at that point was just because of swear words, you can imagine my horror :P
  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    But yes, I don't think people should necessarily hate "bad" fanfiction, as writing is still writing, and you need to remember that not everyone is a George R.R. Martin. I don't even hate smut fanfiction, I just think it needs to be tagged, for the children.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    Generally I avoid fan faction. Like anything else, it depends greatly on the fiction in question, but the unfortunate reality is that fan fiction is often flooded with ill-conceived ideas that grind against the lore they're supposed to follow, and frequently amount to little more than wish fulfillment. Finding quality fan fiction usually isn't worth the time spent sifting through the bad, which is sad because some really good stuff gets lost that way. Places like the Story Corner, or the 40k forum I help mod that encourage and to some degree enforce a standard of quality turn out good fiction MUCH more often.

    As far as writing fiction goes, if I see a compelling concept that I think fits something that, like Vaz said, I really enjoyed and respected, I'll at least give myself the chance to develop the idea. TES has offered that over and over again, as have other stories and settings. Often times, something may start out as a fan fiction idea, and after some thought, develop into it's own original concept. That alone makes it worth considering, in my opinion.

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    I've not heard of this myself. Care to elucidate what "smut" is in friendly terms?

  • Member
    May 26, 2014

    ah it has many names, but it's basically porn. Much like romance novels that are on bookshelves at stores.