Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build Event: Against Type

Tags: #Character Build Event  #Against Type 
  • December 6, 2016

    Vargr White-Tree said:

    Congratulations to every one who rose to the challenge and was able to participate.  These are truly some stellar builds and you all should be proud of your accomplishment. 

    Let me express my condolences to all those who fell by the wayside *cough* Lissette *cough*  Creating a build in one month (or 5 weeks) is a tall order and I understand that a pesky thing called work, family, life gets in the way.  Let me encourage you to keep plodding forward with your build and try to release it this month for the Creativity Event, there's no reason to let that hard work be forgotten. 

    Again congratulations to all the builders who participated.



    Lets also not forget the 50k words for NaNoWriMo. :P I finished that. I'm still working on the build. 

  • Member
    December 8, 2016

    Gotta agree with all that has been said, this has been a fantastic flagship CB event for the new Vault. I have seen many excellent builds and have been inspired and so I would like to thank everyone who supported it from the hosts Lissette and Vargr, to all the participants and commenters. You've done us proud, guys :) Can't wait for the next one ;)