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Character Build: Thorin Oakenshield

Tags: #Character Build Warrior  #Character Build Blacksmith  #Character Build Enchanter  #Race:Imperial  #Rank:Recognized  #Dwarf  #Lord of the Rings  #Thorin 
  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror and rightful heir to the title King under the Mountain. He is a proud, stubborn Dwarf.  A capable warrior and leader, Thorin has tasked himself and his company of twelve other Dwarves, a Wizard, and a Hobbit, to venture to the Lonely Mountain and reclaim their Kingdom and treasure from the fire drake Smaug, who over sixty years ago destroyed Erebor and claimed the Dwarf's vast collection of treasures; the most important to them being the Arkenstone, for himself. He now sleeps deep within the mountain, guarding the treasure as Thorin and his companions make their way across Middle-Earth to regain their rightful home.

    Thorin Oakenshield

    Character layout

    Race: Imperial (you get a decent bonus towards 3 of your skills, and they are shorter than several other races)

    Magika/Health/Stamina: 2 / 3 / 1

    Stone: You can use either the Mage stone, because you'll be using Alteration, or the Lover's stone, to level up your main combat skills as well. Personally, I'd use the Lover's stone.


    Primary Skills

    One-handed: Your means of combat. You use your sword, Orcrist, to quickly dispatch your foes.

    Perks: Armsmen 5/5, fighting stance, bladesman 3/3, savage strike

    Block: One of the 2 ways you defend yourself, this is used to soften the blows you'd receive from your enemies.

    Perks: All, leave shield wall at 1/5

    Alteration: The primary source of your armor. You want to make sure you cast a 'Flesh' spell before entering combat because you wont be wearing any actual armor.

    Perks: All except for Mage Armor. I know what a lot of you are thinking, Mage armor is a really useful perk for the 'Flesh' spells, but the spell you'll be using the most is 'Dragonhide' after you obtain it. If you don't want to use the 'Dragonhide' spell as your main source of armor, then the perks you'll want include all of them except for the 'Master alteration' perk.

    Secondary Skills

    Smithing: Used to make your Sword and Improve your shield. And many Dwarves are master craftsmen.

     Perks:  up to 'advanced armors'.

    Enchanting:  Use this to give yourself some needed boosts for your skills/resistances.

     Perks: Enchanter 5/5, up to Extra Effect, up to Frost Enchanter

    Speech: As future King under the Mountain, you have to have at least decent people skills to get people to join your cause and help you retake Erebor. Dwarves are also fine merchents.

    Perks: Haggling 5/5, up to fence, and up to persuasion


    Max Level

    55. 57 if you want to use mage armor instead.



    Crest of the King: circlet of your choice, fortify alteration, fortify magika

    Thorin's Garb: Ulfric's clothes, fortify alteration, fortify health or resist poison

    Thorin's Gauntlets: Ulfric's wristguards, fortify one-handed, fortify lock pick (to help you get at things a little bit easier.)

    Thorin's Boots: Ulfric's Boots, fortify stamina, resist fire (Thorin witnessed the destructive power of a Fire Drake first hand, he wont allow a little heat to stop him from getting his revenge)

    Thorin's Silver Ring: Fortify alteration, fortify one-handed

    Heart of the Mountain: silver sapphire necklace, fortify health, fortify stamina. (yes, the Arkenstone is called the Heart of the Mountain, but i thought it would be a cool name for the amulet)

    Orcrist: Nordic sword (closest looking to the one in the movie) Frost damage (snuff out Smaug's flame), soul trap 1 second (to help with recharging)

    Thorin's Oak Shield: any Hold guards shield. Fortify health, resist fire (kind of ironic, cause wood...)


    Special Item

    Black star of Azura (so you can keep your sword charged)


    Companions, Main story, Star of Azura, College of Winterhold (for Dragonhide), Civil War (Imperials)



    You're a Dwarf, you distrust Elves greatly, but Elves like the Thalmor just deserve to die. Kill any Thalmor agents you see walking around in the world. You absolutely hate Orcs because of what Azog did to your father, you must kill all 'Old orcs' you see on the road, and kill the Orcs in the Strongholds. They all must die. Take any follower you're able to, and dont worry too much if they live or die, after all...

    Don't sell your gems you find as you travel. Save them. Make them into Jewelry and then sell it, or just dump each individual gem onto the floor in a room of your house to start a new stockpile of riches for yourself. For your horse, use frost but any plain brown horse will do really. Frost is just for a stronger horse if you'd like one, because you wont be doing the Dark Brotherhood, Shadowmere is not an option. Because of what happened to Erebor, kill any and all dragons you encounter. Fire, frost, it doesnt matter, they all remind Thorin of Smaug and the destruction of his kingdom. Travel through all the holds and become the Thane, this will help you recruit people to your cause and give you a good standing with their leaders just in case something bad happens.



    You have to make sure that you utilize your Alteration skill to its full potential. If you're heading into a cave, dungeon, whatever, and you think that there might be trouble, use a 'Flesh' spell. Your lack of actual armor is your biggest weakness, and it wont take much for an enemy to exploit that. Also, try to avoid fight too far out in the open. Leave as little room as possible at your back, enough to be able to quickly block, but not so little that you cant run to a different position should you need to. Your speech skill is also rather useful, you can use it to your advantage to better collect 'gold' and buy any spells, horses, whichever house you wish to buy, whatever you want really. When interacting with people, if they are an Elf of any kind, try to be as blunt and too the point as possible, anyone else, persuade them, bribe them, whatever you think the situation calls for.


    What is Thorin doing in Skyrim?

    Well, just about every fantasy story share some common things i.e Trolls, Orcs, Elves, Goblins (Skyrim made those the Betrayed Falmer), Magics, etc. So why not think of it like all the worlds of fantasy are just interwoven domains that allow people to pass from place to place via special portals? (something a little like the Oblivion gates, but less hell-like in some cases) since its fantasy it can be whatever you'd like it to be, but anyway. View the 'tutorial' or Helgen escape as Thorin being captured shortly after passing through one of these 'gates'. His gear gets scattered across Skyrim, and his body gets altered slightly (though I think he doesnt mind being just a tiny bit taller). At Helgen, he finds out quick that Skyrim has a pretty serious Dragon problem, and decides that, instead of letting some archer get a lucky hit on a bare spot on the Dragon this time, that he'd take matters into his own hands by going after the beasts. The one he sets his sights on being Alduin. He loathes the creatures, and so is happy to do what he can to rid this new land he's found himself in, of Dragons. Along the way, he meets a few warriors who call themselves 'The Companions'. He quickly joins their ranks for a few reasons. The first being he is intrigued by their devotion to each other, second, they are very capable warriors, and third, they remind him of his Company back home. Minus the Wizard, of course. He also has heard of and seen groups know as the Stormcloaks and Empire warring with each other. He ends up meeting both of the Generals in charge of the separate armies and sees that Ulfric has come across his royal garb. Well, as you can imagine, this angers him to a certain extent, i mean, who is Ulfric, someone who isnt really a King of any kind at the moment, to be able to take the clothing of the King under the Mountain, parade around in it and say he is High King of Skyrim? Not ok. So he joins the Empire and kills Ulfric's smug ass. He then continues on his quest of slaying Alduin, and follows him into Sovngarde. He goes "There and Back Again" to complete this task, but Skyrim isn't rid of Dragons, so his fight must continue to ensure that none of the Holds are forced to face the same fate as his home of Erebor.

    This is my second build, so i'm just assuming now that there will be several things to fix. Leave a comment about what I should change/add and I'll do what I can to make it better. If you decide you want to try this build as is, I hope you find it entertaining to play.

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    Your gameplay section is role-play. You need to flesh out the gameplay part a lot. Nice choice of Ulfric's clothes for equipment. I also like the first collage picture; the pictures in general are good. You do need to include a perk spread, though.

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    alright, i'll see what i can do for the role-play. as for the perk spread, i honestly just kind of get whatever is available to me when i level up, but i'll do what i can for the spread

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    Just rename the gameplay section as "role-play" and add a gameplay guide section; a paragraph or two.

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    alright, will do

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    I just got finished watching the Hobbit actually, great movie, and great rendition of Thorin! It'd be kind of cool if you actually could get his shield (it went up his arm and looked like a thick oak branch :P) +1

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    It's not flawless, but it's fairly good, which sadly seems kinda rare for builds that draw on non-ES lore, so it gets my like. The major thing that I think you can do to improve it, however, is rather than explaining who Thorin Oakenshield is as he exists in The Hobbit, recreate him in the context of the lore of Skyrim, if you get what I'm trying to say. For example, what's the roleplay reason for going the Imperial side in the Civil War?

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    yeah, if only if only. that would be an amazing feature, though im sure someone on a pc could pull it off.

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    what im getting from it is give him more of a role centered around skyrim right?

  • Member
    March 27, 2013

    Precisely. To give an example, Biscuit's Batman build had the young Bruce Wayne living as a boy in Solitude when his parents were killed by a bandit. The Thieves Guild was the Wayne Corporation, a once strong organization that has been declining since the death of Gallus. Nightingale Hall served as the Applied Sciences division, where he his bat suit and gadget (Nightingale Armor and gifts of Nocturnal). You can tell that it's Batman, but it fits within the context of Skyrim.