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Which Army Would Be the Best?

    • 79 posts
    February 2, 2014 6:29 PM EST

    Assuming they can all set aside their differences; Altmer, Argonian, and Redguard.

    Altmer, most intelligent and magically inclined of all the races on Nirn, strong resistance toward diseases. Magical arm for this alliance.

    Argonian, experts in the art of guerrilla warfare, total immunity toward diseases. Spec ops arm for this alliance.

    Redguard, most versatile and naturally gifted warrior of all of Tameriel. Fighting arm for this alliance.

    • 1 posts
    February 2, 2014 8:24 PM EST

    Redguards- The best warriors in Tamriel. They would be the main fighting force, backed by Bosmer archers, who are the best archers in Tamriel. Together, they would be almost unstoppable, decimating any enemy at any range. Added to the ranks are Argonians for their diversity, being both fantastic at guerilla warfare and scouting missions. The three countries border Cyrodiil, and would clamp down on it after moving troops and info by sea. Then you have Eleswyr surrounded, and are able to take it with minimal effort. You now have Imperial Battlemages, Redguard foot soldiers, Imperial Legionaries, Argonian Guerilla warfare specialists, Khajit scouts, and bosmer archers. Next, you divide the Morrowind and High Rock by taking Skyrim. Now you have Nord berserkers. Take High Rock next, gaining mages, warriors, strategists, and diplomats. Not to mention Orcs. Taking Morrowind should be no problem with Breton magic resistance and sheer strength of Orcs and Nords. Finally, overwhelm the Altmer through sheer numbers using Redguard ships. Boom.

    • 338 posts
    February 2, 2014 8:29 PM EST

    We are going to disregard assimilation of other races in any debates you have with any other people about whose army is better, OK? It just helps to do this to avoid endless debates.