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  • Stuff you'd change/add with dlc??

    So I'm just wondering what sort off stuff people would like to see added or changed in the game to make it a better experience. I'm not talking about where you would like the dlc to be based. I'm talking more along the lines of stuff like, changing the smiting skill, so when your crafting something,...
  • Birth of the Dark Assassin; Part 3

    I was about to speak, I even had the whole story worked out in my mind when suddenly and without any warning I collapsed to the ground unconscious. I do not know for exactly how long I slumbered but I do remember that I dreamt the most unusual and most vivid dream I have ever had.                   ...
  • Birth of the Dark Assassin Part: 2

    Birth of the Dark Assassin Part: 2  As the four guards led me down the familiar forest path towards town, my hands clamped in irons and my feet bound in shackles, my mind was wrecked with a torrent of emotions and for once I could find no comfort in the sound of the wild I heard all around me. The g...
  • Character Background. Birth of the Dark Assassin

    I was a Dark Elf who fled Morrowind with my family to try carve out a new life for my family and me in the harsh land of Skyrim. We had not a lot of money but had just enough to secure simple lodgings when we got here and i was luckily able to find some work as a hunter in a nearby village provoidin...