Stuff you'd change/add with dlc??

  • So I'm just wondering what sort off stuff people would like to see added or changed in the game to make it a better experience. I'm not talking about where you would like the dlc to be based.

    I'm talking more along the lines of stuff like, changing the smiting skill, so when your crafting something, you can choose what your armor/weapon actually looks like instead of just the generic locked stuff we can make at the moment that always look the same.

    I'd also like to have more stuff to spend my money on, like actually buying,opening, naming and running a store in one of the cities. What about being able to buy a plot of land in one or all of the holds so you could build a house for yourself.

    I'd also like to be able to buy a camp pack or something similar from the drunken huntsman store that enables you to set up a camp in the wild so you can rest, instead of having to travel back to town. Something similar to the camp you could buy in RDR would be ok.

    I'd also like to see spell crafting make a return. Although not playing as a magic user myself i eventually will and would like the option to craft my own spells.

    I'd like them to add more story driven quests with a lot more emphases on your choices and there resulting consequences so it carried more wait.

    Give us a patch that just updated the npc dialogue so they stopped repeating the same stuff over and over again, if your not going to say something useful or interesting then a simple "hello" will suffice rather than telling me every time i see you that you work for such and such or used to do blah blah blah.

    Ok i understand that to add horse combat would probably need a lot of work, but for heaven's sake is it too much to ask for us to be allowed at least interact with the world without having to dismount our horse??? I think both the player and npcs should be able to converse with each other without having to 1st get down off our horses.

    I joined the DB and have made a couple of successful kills in the dead of night and got away clean without any witnesses. A short while later some i walk by whispers "hey, i know who you are, hail Sithis". It completely takes away the feeling that i'm a "secret assassin" and a problem i'd like to see fixed. The same goes for people all over the place somehow knowing I'm good at picking locks/alchemy etc, i play a stealth character and do all these things in secret and have never been arrested. People should NOT have common knowledge off this especially when they don't even know i'm the Dragon-Born yet!!!!!


  • Sithis Nerevar
    Sithis Nerevar   ·  December 12, 2011
    I think it would have been cool if for example, your leather armor resembled the animal you made it from, so in even just the leather armor category alone, you could have like wolf armor, white wolf armor, saber-cat armor, mammoth armor etc etc. Now apply...  more
  • William Laforce
    William Laforce   ·  December 12, 2011
    Oh right, that thread was yours. Sorry for repeating myself :D
    And now I do recall a game that you can change the color of your weapon, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Of course that was the only physical thing you could change on it, the rest was st...  more
  • Sithis Nerevar
    Sithis Nerevar   ·  December 12, 2011
    You make some very good points some i'm inclined to agree with and some not so much!
    Camping: I was suggesting it was more of a physical camp that you could set up in the wild complete with a tent/bed for you to sleep in something sim...  more
  • William Laforce
    William Laforce   ·  December 12, 2011
    Ugh, As someone who does use magic, I hated spell crafting and I was glad to see it go. Horseback combat has been ruled out entirely as far as I know, I saw a couple interviews on the subject.
    Camping... I know that's a bit of a fan favorite, and th...  more
  • i hate cliff racers
    i hate cliff racers   ·  December 12, 2011
    Things I would change are as follows
    spears, cross bows, throwing weapons and adding back in the daedric katana and dia-katana from morrowind.
  • Sithis Nerevar
    Sithis Nerevar   ·  December 12, 2011
    Yeah your right about the children Lykke and i have seen in other threads that a lot of other people share your opinion and really were expecting more variety when it was announced that children would be in the game. 
  • Lykke E. Lillebøe
    Lykke E. Lillebøe   ·  December 12, 2011
    I agree with everything you say. I would really like them to fix the children. All of them have the same face, and no elf or beast race children. It takes away a lot of realism :(