Photo 14 of 66 in My Photos

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Tar-Viin and Tavaari

Todd's Album: My Photos

  • Red Wraith
    Red Wraith I hear season four of "Milkdrinker" is coming out on Netflix this fall and I don't have HBO so it'll be nice to finally catch up to all my friends.
    August 28, 2014
  • adds-many-comments
    adds-many-comments Never understood why milk is looked down upon by the nords. It contains calcium which STREGTHENS bones. Aaaahhh its good to be back on the blog, especially now we've returned to 2.0 :D
    August 28, 2014
  • adds-many-comments
    adds-many-comments Makes sense.
    August 28, 2014
  • Garthar the Old
    Garthar the Old Aye, I am pretty sure Ben is right.
    August 31, 2014