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MarkusMasterThief's Album: My Photos

  • MarkusMasterThief
    MarkusMasterThief I wouldn't quite say I hate them, so much as I generally write up conflict between her and the characters I play as. I'm a sucker for conflict between protagonists, so when it comes to stuff like this, I inevitably wind up creating it. (Besides, consideri...  more
    July 25, 2014
  • Paws
    Paws It's funny: by all polls, discussions and playthrough trends it seems The Dark Brotherhood is the most popular questline hands-down. Yet killing Paarthurnax is the least most popular choice in the entire game. Could it be that the legions of Assassin's on...  more
    July 25, 2014
  • adds-many-comments
    adds-many-comments I could never kill paarthurnax, without him Alduin would have won al those years ago and during my first battle with him. I remember it clearly... my health bar was flashing, Alduin had blue sparks firing from his body. I was slotting in another arrow whe...  more
    July 25, 2014
  • Xeelus
    Xeelus I personally think Paarthurnax knows he is a flawed character and tries to teach the Dragonborn to do the things he couldn't. He meditates on the mountain to free himself of guilt and all things that could remind him of the horrible things he did in the p...  more
    July 25, 2014