Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Alduin's Dovahkiin

Tags: #Character Build Juggernaut  #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build Villain  #Race:Breton  #Rank:Exemplar 
  • Member
    January 25, 2013

    "Shield Charge can be exploited for use with two-handed weapons or one-handed weapons without a shield. See the block discussion archive page for an explanation."

    Under the bugs section of that page/link you posted.

    That is true, just checked the game and like how I sometimes do when I get excited when playing magic the gathering, i dont read closely. So Ill change my enchantments! If there are any other discrepancies, let me know, I'll gladly look into it. So far my character is lvl 55, almost 56 and hes tearing it up on Master difficulty.

  • January 25, 2013

    I feel ya. I myself will go ahead and perk that Shield Charge for my two-hander (even though it does appear to be a little gimmicky ). 

    Awesome discourse man, +1.

  • Member
    January 25, 2013

    I convinced myself its the equivalent of a bull rush with a weapon in DND. Just hold the two handed weapon flat and use it to push enemies off high places. Thanks, I will double check in game whether fortify block will work with two handed or not. I just made the other glove and ill be testing numbers between the two on random guards in Markarth.

  • January 25, 2013

    For sure! I'd like to know how that pans out. Try it without the armor though so you don't get any false positives.

  • Member
    January 25, 2013

    " 250 Shields and Blocking

    Blocking used to be calculated (and detailed by pms00 on his Youtube channel) as:

    With 0 skill or perks:

    Daedric Shield.53% damage resist
    All Weapons....42% damage resist
    Iron Shield....50% damage resist

    With 100 blocking:

    Daedric Shield. 63% damage resist
    All Weapons.... 60% damage resist
    Iron Shield.....56% damage resist

    After testing this is found to not be the case any longer (as of what patch is unknown since this hasn't been brought in to question until 1.7). The block cap is still 85% and reduces the damage that has already been reduced by armor damage reduction. All weapons (and torches) regardless of type or size block the same. Here are the blocking damage reduction for shields and weapons per perk investment in Shield Wall. Note: 100 Block Skill.

    Shield no armor...47:52:54:58:62
    Weapons no armor. 44:49:53:57:61
    Shield and armor. 45:50:52:56:63
    Weapons and armor 43:50:52:59:63

    Now the final results are pretty much the same, but remember the first numbers are with no perks. It was assumed that with each perk in Shield Wall you would increase the damage resistance and that Daedric Shields and weapons could reach the cap with 4/5 in Shield Wall. As we can see that is not the case.

    All weapons and shields block for 40% without perks. Each perk in Shield Wall acts as a Fortify Block +10% enchantment. As you can see you need around a 22-24% Fortify Block enchantment to reach the cap..

    Weapons block just as well as shields but do not benefit from Arrow Deflection, Elemental Protection. Shield Charge can be used with a two-handed weapon, 1-handed weapon with shield, or 1-handed weapon with an empty left hand. With a shield you can press block and then begin running. With weapons you need to sprint first and then rapidly press block as you approach the enemy. The charge seems to work momentarily when you begin and stop blocking. "

    Some numbers I just read too, good information for everyone who is looking into blocking with weapons.

  • January 25, 2013

    Ah the wonderful Burden of Proof . Awesome insight Ashi, thanks for looking into that. So basically, shields and weapons have relatively the same damage reduction. This opens up the field for new possibilities, indeed!

  • Member
    January 27, 2013

    Thank you, I really do hope you enjoy it when you try it out. Still am having a blast on the character. I also just did an overhaul of the page and hope it reads better. If anyone else has any criticism, questions, or tips on improvement...let me know.

  • Member
    January 31, 2013

    I would like to keep him siding with Alduin, separate from the Dragonborn. That twist is a good one, but he is an artificially created Dragonborn through the use of a magic curse that was attached to his own bloodline and Alduin's soul. I really wanted an evil character that strayed away from all that undead rubbish and go with a Lazarus like resurrection with a horror twist. I also really like the idea of him pretending he is the Dragonborn for political gain and when the real Dragonborn comes around, he's been 1 step ahead of him the whole time and has defamed the name of Dragonborn into something evil. It might happen depending on how I feel as I play him out and maybe write up a blog story about him.

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    Alright! After doing more testing and messing around on multiple saves of pre perking on this character I focused him down even more to optimize the character and perk choices without wasting any perks. So I did an overhaul of this page, clarified tactics and combat a bit more to show you some of the reasons why I chose some of the perks. Block is one of the best skills in the game and I cant believe all the things you can do with it.

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    Alrighty, changed the fonts. I thought it might help with organizing the text a bit, but i guess it is also distracting in presentation as well.