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  • February 11, 2016
    I'm on phone right now, but I'll get to you as soon as possible. Btw, have you checked my list of mods? There are few big quest mods I found to be really great
  • February 11, 2016

    I have checked out most of them, Heart of the Dead is one that I've tried but never managed to get into. The only one I think I'll get is Reclaiming Sancre Tor. Thanks for the list though, I better drop a like 

  • February 11, 2016

    Well, certainly try Lost Spires. Archeology guild is really amazing. Though I found out that you´ll have problems to find..lore-friendly quest mod. For some reason, people in Oblivion didn´t really bothered with lore.

    Blackwood Company is good too. Heart of the Dead was amazing with all it´s riddles and... at least trying to follow the Lore. 

    But I would like you to try Tears of the Fiend. One of the best roleplaying experience I had, ever.

  • February 11, 2016

    Ah, I did download Lost Spires about an hour ago. Blackwood Company is one I'm going to try with a second character later on (My current one doesn't do Mercenary well).

    As for Tears of the Fiend and Heart of the Dead, they're both mods I tried...about a year ago, maybe more. Anyway, I tired them but wasn't a big fan of them, though I did think they were excellently done.

    Thanks for the suggestions Karver, I think your article and another quick one I found (which only had a couple on the Nexus but it was still alright) gave me another 4 or so.

    Oh, and I might be starting a Let's Play for my Build  It looks like I'll be getting some free time on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays so there's a chance that I might be able to record something (I guess we'll see). 

  • February 11, 2016

    Really? I´m looking forward to it, especially to hear more about "crotch" bash 

  • Tim
    March 27, 2016

    I've been seeing some more Arena and Daggerfall stuff recently, and I was thinking about playing them. I think a while ago I asked about them, but I forgot what I asked exactly.

    So for running Arena and Daggerfall on my computer, I use the links in the ESC Archives page, (Arena Download and Daggerfall Download) which comes with the game set up. But do I first have to install DosBox? I barely know what this is, but I'm pretty sure I need it :P (and it's free, right?).

  • Member
    March 28, 2016

    It's been a while since I downloaded mine, but if I recall correctly you do need to download DosBox first. I can say for certain that all of them (Arena, Daggerfall, DosBox) are free, though.

    Here's a Link if you'd like to know more about DosBox.

  • Tim
    March 28, 2016

    Cool, thanks Caesar! I managed to get them all downloaded, and they seem to be running fine. I just had to adjust the controls on Daggerfall, heh. They were quite a surprise :P

  • Tim
    March 30, 2016

    This probably won't be a big surprise, but I can't get out of the starting dungeon in Daggerfall. I'm having trouble with the controls and swinging my screen to attack, and with finding my way out. If I try to speedrun through it I get lost, or killed :P. Maybe I just chose the wrong type of character but no matter what I try I just get my ass kicked. There doesn't seem to be any real strategy either, dodging doesn't seem to work. . . yeah. Any help would really be appreciated, or even if anybody knows of a beginners guide or something.

  • Member
    March 31, 2016

    There is a cheat you can use to get out of Dungeons much quicker. If you save your game, reload it, then press Alt+F11 you should be teleported directly to the door of the Dungeon, avoiding any and all combat in between.

    UESPWiki has an Article that includes some starting tips and the like. I found it pretty helpful when I first started playing Daggerfall, so it might be worth a look. They also have a List of Cheats that you might find useful.