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Character Build: House Lords

Tags: #Character Build Agent  #Character Build Hero  #Character Build Villain  #Rank:Legendary 
  • TZ
    May 1, 2013

    You pretty much summed it up Robert, basically I have used inspiration from Game of Thrones, which takes it's inspiration from the War of the Roses period in Medieval Britain aka the 100 year war.

    In our reality there were systems in place for ranks and a hierarchy  I took some of the rules from here.

    Game of thrones has it's own set of rules similar to reality but also it's own fantasy rules, for instance Danarys Stormborn is fire immune, so I took some rules/lore from here.

    Then Skyrim has it's own set of rules relating to hieratic order, from houses to Jarl's, Emperors, King's etc. So I also took from here, put them in a blender and decided which pieces fit best where and how I would design them in a Skyrim world, and thus the House Lords were born.

  • TZ
    May 1, 2013


  • May 1, 2013
  • Member
    May 12, 2013

    Who are those 4 individuals that can fell a lazoroth? The Ebony Warrior, Harkon, Miraak and Karstaag?

  • May 12, 2013
    The Slarq, Terividah, Gremrhyb, and Baraxian (though Lazeroth would still win).
  • TZ
    May 12, 2013

    Yep, I was alluding to the other 4 Houselords (so far) were able to beat him but whether they would is a different story lol.

  • Member
    May 21, 2013

    Its very ironic how skyrim's 2nd/3rd most hated races are house lords. Who would of thought that an argonian and dunmer would be able to establish a very successful house let alone win a lordship. Still a good build.

  • TZ
    May 27, 2013

    Yep, even against all odds. 

    Then again, as a "House" you can consider them a family, so a whole BUNCH of Argonians and Dunmer did it together, though at the moment I don't have a Dunmer house, though in Morrowind there are Dunmer House Lords. 

  • Member
    May 27, 2013

    Although its a few builds in one, this is one of the best builds on the site.

  • TZ
    May 28, 2013

    Thanks man, I appreciate the kind words.  I know I have been saying for a while that I will add more Houses to this, but I will be soon. Very close to having the last build tested and ready.