Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Witch

Tags: #Character Build Elementalist  #Character Build Mage  #Character Build Illusionist  #Rank:Legendary 
  • Member
    January 16, 2013

    I have been playing skyrim off and on since release.  I've been trying to find a build and playstyle that suits me.  I have leveled a few stealth types, a two handed warrior, and several mages but I've never seemed to get them past their late teens before I try something else.

    The alchemy/smithing/enchanting loop (exploitation if you will) turns me off, and the enchanted weapon and the use of soul stones (acquiring them/using the spell/ or having a weapon with the soul trap enchantment on irritates me a little but I'm warming up to part of the game.

    I digress however, and my point in this reply was that Ponty's Witch build has kept me interested and I have gotten her to level 18 and plan to play her out at least to level 50, maybe even 81.  I am not following his plan exactly...I'm playing her more of a rogue mage type. She is Dunmer, focusing more on Destruction (fire/lightning), Illusion, and Alteration while dabbling in Restoration,Lght Armor and a little Sneak.

    Got her the Armor of the Old Gods first, grabbed Nettlebane, and headed off to the College of Winterhold which I plan to play all the way through before moving on to anything else.  I believe some Alchemy and the Dark Brotherhood are next in line for her with a smithering of smithing to improve her armor (if it can be improved) and maybe much later some enchanting).  She detests the Nords for their treatment of her race and she isn't too keen on the Empire either for trying to lop off her head.  I"m really interested to see wear she takes me.  Thanks Ponty for a build that finally inspired me to go the distant with.  +1 from me

  • Member
    January 16, 2013

    I found that once you take up to Aspect of Rage, Quiet Casting and Dual Casting, you really don't need above Adept spells (dual casting increases the magnitude by over 100% - the magnitude being the level of target it affects)

  • Member
    January 16, 2013

    Great to see someone enjoying it! In my opinion the best feedback I can get is that someone played my build and enjoyed it

  • January 16, 2013

    Thanks.  Good that I have a couple earlier saves to fall back to because I could really use those perks elsewhere. 

    Very fun build!

  • Member
    January 22, 2013

    How would you feel with this character if you focused more on Shock and took those perktamper than you did Frost, and if you went Vampirism?

    I know that kind of takes away from the overall "theme" of the build, but I was thinking of using all of this, including the armor, and making a male Argonian vampire that took the shock spells instead of the frost.

    The roleplay idea I had was just an Argonian vampire who had forsaken Molag Bal for Hircine and the way of the "nature witch", even though they tend to be female.

  • Member
    January 22, 2013

    I'd come to your house and murder you.

    I'm joking, I don't get why people ask me for permission when playing a slight variant of one of my builds

    That sounds like a pretty good idea. Less enemies are resistant to Shock but you don't get the slow and it costs more to cast.

  • Member
    January 22, 2013

    Hahaha, thank you!

  • Member
    February 3, 2013

    Could you please give a higher level sample please ponty

  • Member
    February 3, 2013

    I figured by level 25 you'd have a vague idea of how the character works gived you'd played them for about 10+ hours, and could put perks into wherever would be best at the present time...

  • Member
    February 3, 2013

    ive been playing it for a while but i dont want to fall out of character