Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: The Penitus Oculatus Agent

Tags: #Character Build Archer  #Character Build Scout  #Character Build Alchemist  #Race:Imperial  #Rank:Exemplar  #Albino Skyrim Build  #Penitus Oculatus 
  • Member
    December 28, 2013

    It might be possible; I've never thought of trying that. The only way I could think of that would lure the agent out in the open though is by using Frenzy or something similar, and I that isn't very roleplay appropriate either.

  • Member
    December 28, 2013

    I know there is a troll nearby, I wonder if I can lead the beast into Dragonsbridge, run into the Outpost and straight back out again if that triggers the Agents to leave too. I'll try various things but if push comes to shove I'll have to get my hands dirty and break character. I want that armour!

  • Member
    December 28, 2013
    For a build I did a couple months back, I just roleplayed that they were Dark Brotherhood infiltrators--took a couple of them down before destroying the DB, and called it good. I love the PO armor :)
  • Member
    December 28, 2013

    Yeah, I remember that, the Penitus Mentis Mens. Wish I thought of that idea myself when I first made this guy. PO armor is pretty spiffy though; I probably wouldn't have made this build if it didn't exist. :P

    Let me know if you get something to work though Phil; it'd be nice if there was a method that didn't involve attacking the guy yourself.

  • Member
    December 29, 2013

    Will do.

  • Member
    December 29, 2013

    I tried luring a spider Into Dragonsridge but the Agent wouldn't leave the house. I ordered Lydia to attack him and didn't incur a bounty or have assault/murder show up on my crime stats.

  • Member
    December 29, 2013

    That makes sense. As far as I'm aware, any crimes your follower commits don't count towards your own.

  • Member
    December 29, 2013

    You could be right. I thought the PC was blamed for all follower crimes but I'm probably mistaken. If I attacked the Agent unprovoked, I'd probably get an assault and murder on my stat page but not sure if I'd get a bounty if he was the only witness.

    I wonder if I accidently conjure an atronach and make it mad if the Agent will help me fight it?

  • Member
    December 29, 2013

    That might work, assuming the Atronach wins the battle, which is unlikely for this particular build considering it doesn't use Conjuration. Then again, there are summoning staves for that sort of thing.

  • Member
    December 29, 2013

    Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of a scroll or staff rather than ruin the feel of the build by adding conjuration