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Interesting Story Titles

  • Member
    July 14, 2015

    "Of Skeevers and Mer" - life is hard in the slums of Morrowind

    "A Tale of Two Cities" Solitude & Windhelm, innit?

    "Pride and Prejudice": 'It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single Dragonborn in possession of a good Shout must be in want of a Greybeard'

    "5E 001" When the Stormcloaks rule all of Skyrim with an iron fist and Winston the Smith finally learns to love Big Ulfric 

    "Love in the Time of Rockjoint"A Bosmer Archer and a Nord Bard vie for affection of a beautiful shopkeeper in war-torn Riverwood

    "The Name of the Purple Mountain Flower" I don't know what the hell this is about: a Breton gets murdered I think

  • Member
    July 14, 2015
    'Nord Prefect'? That is a pun of beauty :)
  • July 14, 2015
    Hell no In the Name of the Purple Mountain Flower is the tale of a crusty Altmer priest who solves murders in the local temple.
  • Member
    July 14, 2015

    Sounds about right! I've never read 'it' :)

    It's the only book my well-read sort-of wife declared as "unreadable". But I suspect she's never even considered Ulyssses

  • July 14, 2015

    I only saw the movie.

    Beware of the book of daedra in the library - don't lick your finger and turn the pages, they are laced with frostbite venom...

  • Member
    July 14, 2015

    And you DEFINATLY want to stay away from the bathtub

  • July 14, 2015

    Ulysses is pretty wild stuff.

    Haha, I remember that part. I liked that movie. 

    These are for Sotek.

    The Howling. - A tale of Jorrvaskr

    The Howling II: Your girlfriend is a werewolf

    The Howling III: Werebears

    The Howling IV: Hircine's Nightmare

    The Howling V: Rebirth

    The Howling VI: Freaks 

    The Howling VII: Blood Moon Rising

    And my favorite animated tale that leaves you all warm and fuzzy inside.

    Werebears: The Movie. featuring a cast of lovable werebears

    Bedtime Werebear, Birthday Werebear, Cheer Werebear, Friend Werebear, Funshine Werebear, Good Luck Werebear, Grumpy Werebear, Love-a-lot Werebear, Tenderheart Werebear, and Wish Werebear

  • Member
    July 14, 2015

    Nice List Lissette.   Awooo

    For the sake of embarrasing myself i'll admit to something. I have a teddybear..

    It was grandaughters teddy. I kept it when she didn't want it any more.

    (This isn't my one but it's an exact coppy).

  • Member
    July 14, 2015

    Argonian Werewolf In Skyrim

  • July 14, 2015
    Ah hahahahahaha! You guys! I just embarrassed myself laughing out loud in my local cafe!