Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build : Daedric Soul Reaver

Tags: ##Character Build Summoner  ##Character Build Sorcerer  ##Character Build Mods  ##Race:Argonian 
  • Member
    June 3, 2018

    Fantastic! Now that I have the important information that needs to be described in the Gameplay section, I'll get to work. Come back later if the changes have not been registered yet to see what the updated page looks like.


    I thank you both for your suggestions -- and patience -- in helping with the build. And if you think about any other information that would help, let me know. :)

    (Dont forget to put in all the details!)

  • Member
    June 3, 2018

    The Long-Chapper said:

    So let me understand, the difficulty overhauls in your list are...

    Deadly Dragons

    Diverse Dragons

    Supreme Miraak

    Supreme Harkon reborn?

    Do you have anymore? I asked because for me personally, I really like balance between mods, so that the gameplay doesn't become too easy, you know what I'm saying? Having played with Dragon Combat Overhaul and Requiem, I totally understand the need for some help in other mods to balance. 

    And terse attitude is forgiven. Lots of people have stuff going on in their private lives that can rub off here. You should see me when I don't have enough caffeine. There is often running for the hills.  

    And as far as gameplay. Okay specfics, how would you handle in combat with following...


    other vampires




    creatures and animals

    Do you strategies change per enemy type, do you have a favorite strategy you like using? Spell combinations, enchantments, etc. That's what we mean by specific gameplay. Another thing to consider in gameplay and one that is super important that I communicate in my builds. How do you handle early game. How do you survive until the build is finished? What would you do if you are level 1? 

    A couple of minor points, for now. But they are specific so you'll like it. 

    Are you going for lore-friendly? Because I know of no Argonian by the name of Lucifer, so you may want to rethink the name, unless you are not going lore-friendly, which is okay, but you take the time to list a city, a date of birth, and you make him Argonian, so might as well go the full Argonian. I can actually help you find a pretty decent name in Jel (Argonian lanuage) that could possibly communicate the whole Daedric soul reaver thing and yet have an Argonian name. *Readying Jel translator*

    Two, you are a vampire, correct? Yes, you are. Now, why are you using fire magic? Are you immune to the effects? See, when I make a vampire, I usually then don't, for roleplaying reasons, allow them to use fire magic, well, for that whole "vampires don't like fire" business. I also tend to steer away from restoration as well. I'm not saying dont' use these kinds of magic, but if you are, a word or two in Lucifer's backstory can go a long way towards someone like me not scratching their heads wondering why a vampire is using that kind of magic. 

    I'll think of more later, but I really want to play some Fallout 4 now. 


    Addressing your various points chronologically, Diverse Dragons is not a difficulty mod, but just adds more dragons to the leveled lists. Some of those dragons have unique abilities, however.

    Secondly, its hard to know whether or not I have more difficulty mods because of how many mods I have installed, but none come to mind.

    Thirdly, the name of the character was decided at a time when I didn't really care about lore-friendliness as much, but I do not mind if anyone gives the character a different name. It's just the name that I chose, back in the day. :)

    Lastly, the thing about the fire magic was that between the late game enchantments, my mod setup, and the fact that my character wears gauntlets at all times, it was not hard to imagine him using fire magic effortlessly despite being a vampire. But if you want to roleplay it, like I tend to do nowadays, just put off becoming a vampire before being able to say the character has become "attuned" to fire (abtaining fire related perks, resistances, etc).