Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Graverobber

Tags: #D3LTAFOX  #Graverobber  #Character Build: Sneak  #Character Build: Archery 
  • Member
    July 9, 2017

    SuperDuperMutant said:

    SuperDuperMutant said:

    The backstory as an interview feels really wierd and out of place.

    What's wrong with what I said? It was an honest to gooodness observation not meant to be offensive in the slightest. If you're just going to threaten anyone whose comments fall short of complete adulation, than don't expect anyone to get any good at character building. 

    I see you signed up recently - welcome to the site! I'd just like to address this as a fellow TamrielVault member... I don't want you to feel unwelcome or anything, but it's worth discussing.

    To start with, context... normally I would say a single comment like the first would go unnoticed or ignored. I don't mean to be rude here, I'll discuss why I think your first comment was out of place shortly (a lot of my own feedback is kind of mean, too; I don't mean to be mean, but I'm extremely critical of things in general). But scroll back to page 1 and this comment pops up:

    SkyrimMaster21 said: That was bad, no offence but it was a bit long and boring but I like the name. But still, no offence.

    In fanfiction terms we would call these flames - they're negative comments which don't have much substance beyond "I hate this" and don't offer constructive suggestions for improvement or any points which the commenter liked. And two flames in quick succession means people will be getting defensive, especially since we like to be friendly and constructive in general.

    Which I guess brings me to the second point - that your first comment was sort of destructive, rather than constructive. Why do you feel that it's weird? Why is it out of place? You've said that you think it's bad, but not why, and you haven't offered any suggestions for improvement or noted any parts of the build you think are well done. Obviously no one expects their work to be 100% well-received 100% of the time. But it's always best to build people up and help them improve, rather than tear down their confidence. You can't expect people to "git gud" if you don't tell them what is bad, or what is good.

    We do greatly value construcive criticism on the site, and Zonnon, DB, and Lissette have offered very strong points for improvement. If you take a look at their comments you'll notice that they've kept their tone polite (which is always good), they've raised points that they feel are sub-par, said why they think it's sub-par and have offered suggestions for improvement. They've also pointed out parts that they think are well done and should be preserved (I'm bad at this last one).

  • Member
    July 9, 2017

    SuperDuperMutant said:

    Noodles said:

    SuperDuperMutant said:

    The backstory as an interview feels really wierd and out of place. 

    Seriously? Do we need to tell people again about how to give constructive criticism?


    What's wrong with what I said? It was an honest to gooodness observation not meant to be offensive in the slightest. If you're just going to threaten anyone whose comments fall short of complete adulation, than don't expect anyone to get any good at character building. 

    Your previous comment isn't going to make anyone better at character building. You don't offer any tips on how to improve what you found out of place.

  • Member
    July 9, 2017
    On my journey to Vivec I met ten dark mer, each had seven pets. Each pet had seven fleas, each flea ate seven peas, each pea had seven seeds, and each seed the ground would feed. How many pets did I inspect on my journey from Vivec? Opinions are like pets, and like pets each is just a fertiliser factory. See, you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals. So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. All together now, getting horny now. Edit: That is to say, if we do opinions, let's do them like Barry White - With luuuv :)
  • Member
    July 9, 2017

    Paws said: On my journey to Vivec I met ten dark mer, each had seven pets. Each pet had seven fleas, each flea ate seven peas, each pea had seven seeds, and each seed the ground would feed. How many pets did I inspect on my journey from Vivec? Opinions are like pets, and like pets each is just a fertiliser factory. See, you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals. So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. All together now, getting horny now. Edit: That is to say, if we do opinions, let's do them like Barry White - With luuuv :)


  • July 10, 2017

    Hey Delta, glad to see you trying your hand at some Skyrim builds.  You've checked all the boxes for Skyrim builds that I can see but this build feels a bit short and bare.  The backstory felt a bit weird to me as well, the form is rather unique and I think the interview approach has potential.  My problem with it is the subject.  Lara is not known to me, she's not a famous character in Skyrim, I understand that she's nobility but if you asked me to name five nobles in Skyrim off the top of my head i wouldn't be able to, I just tried and I couldn't even name five Jarls!  For me this was a disconnect, why would people know them, and why would people care?  I'm not a big "backstory" person when it comes to builds for me they are the spice that give a build flavor not the meat (that's just me some people are all about the backstory) and honestly I usually skim them.  However your build is half backstory so it needs to be more then just salt and pepper.  My suggestion would be to sell the character.  I imagine Lara to be a Skyrim native perhaps her father is a Nord noble and her mother an Imperial noble who married him.  While Lara takes after her imperial side in appearance and ability she has the heart and fierce spirit of a nord.  She is raised to be a noble lady but sees it as a gilded cage, she wants to be free to explore and see the world, perhaps she sympathizes with the Stormcloaks and decides her family should do more to help the cause.  Perhaps she would rather sleep in the dirt with the stars as her roof then spend one more day in the gilded cage so she runs away.  You could make her a petualant jaded child who is naive to the real world until she runs away, learning her lesson too late to return home to Cyrodil she now has to learn how to survive in unforgiving Skyrim.  Maybe you had something along these lines in mind but it just doesn't come through in your interview, at least not for me.

    Ok sorry this is a long post, i'm not usually this long winded.  So those are my thoughts on the backstory, as far as the meat of the build goes you could use some fleshing out (see what i did there ;P)  First those large empty spaces could be remedied by explaining your choices.  I.E. tell us why you chose those skills perhaps highlighting the more important perks that one should prioritize, or maybe add some flavor to Lara's character via her choice in skill.  Just a small paragraphe would help difine the character, how they should be played, and what kind of mindset the player should have when using this character.  The same could be done to your gear section.  Also a list of suggested quests (and how they suit the character) would be great and would give us some direction of what to do with this build.

    Right now this seems like a skeleton of a build that just needs some fleshing out to make it shine.


  • July 11, 2017

    The build looks like it can be fun to do a "Legacy of the Dragonborn" run.