Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Build: Mark of the Akaviri

Tags: #Character Build Illusionist  #Character Build Assassin  #Character Build Alchemist  #Rank:Exemplar 
  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    You could. I mean't more of describe what a ninja is like. Not just a sneaky emotionless killer. Did they sometimes fight for anything specific, like religious conflicts or trying to get freedom? How would they re-act to certain situations, etc. Maybe put a little bit of in context history. It does not need a ton of stuff, just enough so people could get an idea of what it really means to play as a ninja, not just in a gameplay sense (RP).

    More on the note of what Ben C said, timing really is key. When I posted my build, I did it right before I knew it was going to be busy. I went to sleep with 1 like and woke up with 23. Same goes for when I updated it.

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    Able to gather this much likes in just about 3 days after posting means the build isn't that bad, some build could't even gather 3 likes in a month or more.

    I read part of your build (Don't have the time to read the rest of it yet), it isn't that bad. But the presentation seem a bit clutter to me, it could be organise a little bit more.

    The probability why not much people like it could due to several factor, such as being ninja theme build. Not trying to be asshole here, but some of us are getting tired of it. You would be tired to if every game you play there is bound to have some ninja related thread pop out of nowhere.

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    I think this really has lots of potential, there's several easy to fix things that could turn this slightly-above-average work into something truly great. Firstly, I recommend revising your first 2 image choices. The first one seems a little too cartoon-y and the second one really doesn't tell us anything about the build. Secondly, a few minor spelling/grammar errors can be a bit off-putting, try and proof-read your build before posting. Like Mason said, change the name to remove the 'build' from it - even just Shinobi would do, something straight and to the point. 'The Paladin' for example has a much better ring to it than 'Paladin Build'. Finally, formatting. The way you've structured it, it's easy to get lost in the ocean of text. Try bolding important things (like skill names, specific pieces of equipment), and make the section headings larger to break it up a bit better.

    Personally I'd spare this one for now, I'll shoot you a like when/if you fix it up a bit!

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    Wow, didn't think I'd get so many responses. :P  Thx a heap guys,  objective views and opinions are so much better.  Being an illustrator, you tend to get blind to your own shortcomings.

    I will take everything everyone said to hart and then fix this 1st try ^^.  thx again everyone for the help and the suggestions.

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    Yeah, the point of this though was to make a ''True Ninja'' build.  It will be hard to change that, because this is what made it interesting for me to play.  Trying to do stealth kills on Master with a sword instead of a dagger without using invisibility, kinda sets this apart from the stealth-elf builds you get everywhere.  also, 1-handed dueling, with the other hand unequipped, also made it easier (and consistent) with the way the Ninja back then would fight.  eg, using the free hand to throw ''black eggs'' in the opponents face.

    But I understand what you are trying to say, people see ninja, they immediately presume night-blade.... which is sad, because if you read the whole article, you would have seen, this is very far from it.

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    I'd say, leave it atm... I've changed the name, and added (W.I.P) at the end of the Subject line.  I'll mess with it till D-day, if it still sucks, then we can purge it eternally. ^^

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    ah, ok, thx again sir :)

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    Oh man! I didn't know there was a Smiting skill! I am making another holy warrior and I am going to SMITE all of the evil in Skyrim!

    All kidding aside, this is pretty sweet! Men of Akavir are a mysterious subject. Some even think the tales of the Tsaesci being serpents are made up and that they are actually the men of the distant land. The reports of being vampiric and having a serpent-like appearance is due to corruption, some say.

    I noticed you are using bows and swords, but do not put perks into those skills. Is this damage covered by enchanting? Or just relying on sneak attack damage to boost it? That would be a cool aspect to make this build a challenge!

    +1 from me man. Akavir lore always makes me happy!

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    ^^ oh wow, thx alot for the comment.

    Concerning no perks in Marksman and onehanded, you have basically nailed the build right on the head.  It's all about stealth,  shooting your opponent and making them wake up dead the next morning.  Things to help this is Alchemy with the poisons. High enough skill and the ability to apply poisons on the go, or during the fight is more than enough to kill enemies one on one.  

    About enchanting.  I suppose you could add those skills on the gear, after all, Ninja where trained in the bow and melee fighting arts... I just prefer to make it not too easy, and really have it be a ''Oh damn, I've been discovered, fight for my life, and disappear'' play style. So i opted for Health or stamina to show their strength training.

  • Member
    February 2, 2013

    Love it! Very cool approach to this play style.