TES Classics » Discussions

Character Building Event: Deities and Demigods

  • October 12, 2014
    At this rate I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish this build on time for the event. I haven't passed level 10 and my other Build is taking up a lot of time so I do apologise if I can't get it up in time. By the way what's the minimum level needed.
  • October 12, 2014

    That is a shame. Well I could help if you want. I have finished my playthrough and other build goes really fast. So maybe I could help you playtest some things.

  • October 12, 2014
    Ah I'll try and make it on time but if not I'll just release it as a non-event build. Thanks for the offer though I just like working on these Events myself even if I can't make it Id rather it be I can't make it rather then I waste someone else's time with a build that doesn't go up.
  • October 12, 2014

    I completely understand :) Offer still stands, if you will need something :)

  • Member
    October 12, 2014
    Wish I could join in, looks like you've got a nice thing going here. But most of my time is taken up with the skyrim event, and my oblivion recently committed suicide...
  • Member
    October 12, 2014
    Hmm, I'll either take Jyygalag, Talos, or maybe Molag Bal. Since I've never really done a pure evil dude, I'll take Molag.
  • Member
    October 12, 2014

    There is no minimum level. Any level is fine for this first event.

  • October 12, 2014

    Oh, well i should be fine with a level 25-30 build up.

  • October 13, 2014

    You must join. Because my Sheogorath can not be elf, you have the ultimate responsibility to create altmer deity of pure awesomeness :D


  • October 13, 2014

    Dw man, I've got Altmer covered.