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  • June 28, 2016
    Just read it. Nice article. Thanks!
  • Member
    August 3, 2016



     "We are ada, Mor, and change things through love. We must take care lest we beget more monsters on this earth. If you do not desist, she will take to you, and you will transform all Cyrod if you do this." And to this the bull became shy, for he was a bull, and he felt his form too ugly for the Parvania at all times, especially when she disrobed for him. He snorted, though, and shook his nose-hoop into the light of the Secunda moon and said, "She is like this shine on my nose-hoop here: an accident sometimes, but whenever I move my head at night, she is there. And so you know what you ask is impossible."



  • Member
    August 3, 2016

    Karver my handsome Lorc!

  • September 2, 2016

    Jhunal is the nordic god of runes and Ysgramor is considered the father of the nordic langue since he was the first to translate their langue in to runes. Are there any other links between the two?

  • September 2, 2016

    Hello I do have a few Lore questions

    1. Are there publishing houses in the TES Lore?
    2. They say that the Sun is a whole torn by Magnus (One of the Magna Ge) and the others are stars. And there are so many stars so does that mean there are lots of Magna Ge? (I've only seen 7? at most in some wiki's). I'm Still quite confused who the Magna Ge Are, are they the Aedra?

    3. How does magic scroll writing work in lore?

  • September 2, 2016
    Magna-Ge are (supposedly) Anuic spirits that fled Mundus right after its creation, along with Magnus. Anuic means that they are neither Aedra or Daedra. You also have to understand that Aedra means something like original ancestor and Daedra not-ancestor. As for writing scrolls...it's never explained but I always treated it as enchanting. In Morrowind you could put spells into items and cast them from those items. Maybe scrolls work the same way, but they are burned out after one use. In my story, Old Telvanni Enchanter was using soul gem dust and ink to scribe/enchant scrolls on an Enchanting Table. In my opinion it works quite well with Lore.
  • September 2, 2016

    Oh right so the terms Aedra and Daedra are from the elves. And I remember that the Aedra are parts Anuic and Padomaic (?) while Daedra are Padomaic am I correct?

    But still there being a lot of stars means there are Alot of Anuic spirits that we probably do not know yet?

    Ohh ok. I'm trying to employ a similar thing for a build I'm making (It's in the workshop right now: The Traveling Scribe. Although I'm a little worried it might be too similar to yours now haha) where it focuses on scrolls as a primary means for combat. Although I do remember looking at your build (theme wise I'm a sucker for staves) but not remembering the scroll part. Will check it out.

    Thanks for the quick reply :)

  • September 2, 2016
    Main difference is that Aedra participated in creation and Daedra did not. Elves divide them as Anuic and Padomaic but who can say that Meridia for example wasn't Anuic and now she's Daedroth? Then you have Et'Ada, ancestor spirits who could be either Anuic or Padomaic. And yes, we don't know how many spirits there were or are. As for the Scrolls. Sorry for mystification, I didn't use it in the Build as major thing, but the character showed up in my story (Chasing Aetherius) and that's where I fleshed out the scroll making. Stories are better for fleshing out Lore. So don't limit yourself. :)
  • September 15, 2016

    Do we know if there have been any other Holds in Skyrim other than the ones we see in game? I know Skyrim's borders have changed, shrunk and grown over time but have there been any other offical Holds? I know Falkreath goes back and forth between Colovian Eastate and Syrim Hold and The Reach is either independent, High Rock or Skyrim depending but is there anything else? Has Bruma ever been part of Skyrim? Was Solstheim ever considered a Hold? I've seen people mention a Northshore Hold.

  • Member
    September 15, 2016
    Hey, Veloth. According to the mighty UESP, both Solstheim and Bleackrock Isle were- at least at one point- Holds of Skyrim. Though these days, Solstheim is Dunmer land, and nobody knows the fate of Bleakrock's settlement after the events of ESO (lore-wise I mean)

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