Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Building Event: Deities

  • July 31, 2015


  • Member
    August 1, 2015

    Disregard the big red notice I just put up at the bottom of the event; it doesn't apply for your build.

  • Member
    August 1, 2015
    So if everybody was waiting till today to post, that's about 15 builds we're waiting on.
  • Member
    August 1, 2015
    Well, flip! Sorry all, I hate missing deadlines, but I've been out of town on and off most of this week... look for Rajhin, Footpad, Thief God of the Khajiit in a day or two. Again, my apologies for not being able to get my act together in time to participate... the events always turn out so cool!
  • August 1, 2015

    Given your circumstances I suppose it cant hurt to give you a little extra time. Is 48 hours going to be enough?

  • Member
    August 1, 2015
    THAT is an incredibly generous (and tempting offer), but I'd feel pretty bad accepting it. I enjoy the events (most of my builds are event builds) because they're special... you have to conceptualize and produce a build to specific parameters, AND do it in a certain amount of time. It's a challenge. I hate the idea of missing out on this event, but slipping in after deadline is unfair to those who accomplished a pretty impressive task. Again, I appreciate the offer, but it might be best if I bite the bullet on this... I'll just have to work harder next time ;D
  • Member
    August 1, 2015
    But keep an eye out for Rajhin sometime Monday :D
  • August 1, 2015

    Very well but you owe me a build on monday. 

  • Member
    August 1, 2015
  • August 1, 2015

    It's a very kind offer, but it's not going to be done today and I don't want to take advantage of the CB Group's hospitality by dragging this out over multiple days. Expect the Marukhati Remainder out within the week, but as a regular old build. Thank you for the offer, but I'm going to have to get some actual computer techs to look at my computer.