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How 'Loot Modifiers' work in Skyrim

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  • Member
    November 18, 2013

    I'll look into rewording that part, my head is pounding so I probably mangled my words!

    Every container has a drop list that it draws from, some have rolls for a gem while many do not.  All chests have a base roll for a gem so for my example I used a chest that has a 10% chance (urns don't have a gem roll for example).  The number of 10% I used was just a number off the top of my head, the actual numbers vary for each type of chest (Draugr, Falmer, etc) and each category (boss, regular, etc) so I didn't want to flood people with too many numbers.

    Prowler's Profit gives you *four* seperate and new dice rolls for every eligible container, that is in addition to any base rolls a container might have so a chest will typically have *five* seperate rolls while an Urn will have *four* (since it has no base roll).

    Each roll has a seperate calculation

    • 100%
    • 75%
    • 50%
    • 25%

    For clarity what this means is you do four rolls:

    1. First roll has a 100% chance of producing a leveled gem
    2. Second roll has a 75% chance of producing an additional leveled gem
    3. Third roll has a 50% chance of producing an additional leveled gem
    4. Fourth roll has a 25% chance of producing an additional leveled gem

    So in any given chest you have a chance to get up to 5 gems and you're guaranteed to get at least 1 gem because of the 100% roll.  As you mention, over a large enough sample you can assume an average of ~2.6 gems for every container, although it's slightly more than that because of containers with guaranteed gems plus some have additional rolls.  If I recall correctly Prowler's Profit also affects some NPC loot tables such as those classified as 'Rich' so it should also help with your Pickpocketing since gems weigh almost nothing and have huge value.

  • Member
    November 18, 2013
    Yep, that's it! I bet the wiki has the ratio.
  • Member
    November 18, 2013

    It's my experience that the Wiki's are spotty at best when it comes to information.  I've attempted to edit a certain Wiki on multiple occasions only to have it removed because they value assumptions over facts.  Most of the discussions I write for this site are done precisely because the Wiki's are incorrect and I hope to provide people with accurate and detailed information instead of 'facts' that are wrong.

  • Member
    November 18, 2013
    Why can't Bethesda just give us the facts instead of vague descriptions? :p
  • Member
    November 18, 2013

    Golden Touch (along with Imperial Luck) provides a new and seperate roll to each eligible container.  A great many of containers (Urns, chests) surprisingly don't have a roll for gold, the gold you get from chests and urns is actually gold from the Imperial Luck that you shouldn't have. 

    In fact, the vast majority of containers shouldn't have any gold in them, we're just so used to getting gold from everything that it's often taken for granted.  It was intended that you wouldn't get gold unless you found and sold loot or from crafting which would have given Imperials a massive advantage for the early levels because of their special ability.  If Imperial Luck had worked correctly I seriously would have ranked them in my top 3 races to play as because of this natural advantage...missed opportunity.

  • Member
    November 18, 2013

    shut up and give them money!

    In all seriousness, I have no idea why they act like this.  They are one of the only companies that actually hand out their creation kit free of charge yet are vague with actual information and extremely slow to fix bugs/glitches.  Perhaps it's because they distribute the CreationKit that they feel the community will do the work for them.  Sadly, we do. 

    I couldn't imagine playing Bethesda games on console.

  • Member
    November 18, 2013
    It's incredible, the more in depth we go into Skyrim's mechanics, the more mistakes we find :p wtf Bethesda. So many good ideas wasted.
  • Member
    November 18, 2013
    A curse I will one day cure :,(
  • Member
    November 18, 2013

    This is fantastic James, but alas for the Imperial! You have given people proof they will link to in order to argue why Imperials are the worst race

  • Member
    November 18, 2013

    It would be interesting, if the mods that add other ways to start the game produce the same effect as I never go to Helgen.