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Writers Discuss - Death (#19)

  • Member
    December 14, 2015

    Coincidentally, "Death of a Disco Dancer" by The Smiths came up on my my media player as I started reading this.

    Just thought you might like to know 

  • Member
    December 14, 2015

    AND THEN "Unhappy Birthday", with the classic line "and if you should die I may be slightly sad but I won't cry" 

    I'm in tune today

  • Member
    December 14, 2015

    Yes: what's the point in killing off a named character if you haven't invited the reader to care about them first? Then comes the impact.

  • Member
    December 15, 2015

    I like to think about death on stories like The Walking Dead series amc tv show, in the background there is a story wrote, so If you think If you see the show its a projection of the writer. About death, I like to read or see (If its a tv, show, video, cinema )something so crude like real life, for example in The Walking Dead on first season Shaun had a lot of protagonism even I thought he will stay the whole story, actually I think that character was the best of the series, I had never thought he will be killed by his best friend Rick and then back again to life to be killed by Carl (Carl is Rick son, saw something about Rick and Shaun fight), When Rick kills Shaun suddenly appears Carl and Rick begins to approach Carl but his son aim to him (that it seems) and shot, but he shot Shaun who was turned into a zombie, that was just a cool death for a cool character, so Shaun was killed two times, hehe, he was a tough police man who cares only surviving he was very skillful but was too selfish (maybe makes him a bad character...  :/ ). And also he was with Ricks wife (but because he thought he was dead).

    About that example and what I think of deaths on stories I think I like death should be for my taste unpredictable but believable and realistic in terms about the character events what takes him to that point ,what it his death.

    Maybe would be  a feature of the character who along with the environment made him end death, but by the effects of the environment and the decisions of the character.

    And for answer the questions:

    When is it good to kill a character?

    I think depends on the lore

    When is it bad to kill a character?

    Also depends on the lore and the author what want to write about

    How do you make a death impactful/important?

    I think a death impactful/important will be noticed If the character who dies had a deep role into the lore and with the interaction with others characters, the death will be remembered

    Do you ever actively think about killing characters in planning?

    On the story I'm thinking to write will be a lot of deaths because my main character will be a Necromancer, actually will be about eternal life and death, something to think about


    How do you yourself emotionally deal with killing your characters?

    If I have to kill a secondary but important character or even a main character or the main character it self, I think really I dont feel bad or good because I look into the curse of the story and dont usually affects me emotionally

    Finally I want to say about deaths, the world keep rotating and that is what I think about, If a writing will have a good story and even everyone deaths, but the story is so deep and well told, I think death its just a consequency