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Writers Discuss - Use of Prose (#11)

  • Member
    September 2, 2015

    I love them all!

    And weep over the fact that barely anyone listens to the fourth answer.

  • Member
    September 2, 2015
    It's true. I try to write a few short paragraphs everyday, even if it's completely nonsensical. I just began this a few days ago but I hope it helps improve my writing. It's probably an exercise that a lot of people would benefit from. Especially grammar and spelling. If those are bad, it makes the entirety of the story sound bad and the author look terrible (okay, so terrible is a bit harsh, but it IS true!).
  • Member
    September 2, 2015

    I too attempt to write every day. It's all DOTE related at the moment, though I'm hoping to transition to other works soon. I've reached a point where I find writing to be more fun than video games, so that helps. 

  • Member
    September 3, 2015
    I use it as a warm up before I write. I just break out the ol' paper and pencil, write a quick short story on a page, and then begin typing a chapter for TFOAG (Jesus, my blog has a terrible acronym!). Most of the stories are completely unrelated, many having to do with the Wild West because I've been getting a lot of inspiration from Red Dead Redemption. I think it helps me get into a good state of mind and it'll probably help my writing too.
  • Member
    September 5, 2015

    Huh, there is a substantial lack of writers commenting on this one. 

  • Member
    September 5, 2015

     At the end of the day the first three points have been answered. there's only a limited way someone can define prose, it's use and purpose.

    As for the fourth its a simple matter of practising, writing and reading other peoples work. There is one other factor though which is vital.

    You have to WANT to improve. Sounds daft I know but... If the thirst isn't there then the writer won't push themselves to get better, they won't push out the boundaries of their thesaurus. The writer will do what they have always done.

    There has to be that thirst to improve. A hunger for it. Without that, it's meaningless.

    Read other peoples work, learn from their mistakes as well as your own.

  • Member
    September 5, 2015

    I like your point. Without the intent of changing and learning, there is no point in being a writer. 

  • Member
    September 5, 2015

    You know, I only post the questions to get people thinking, not because I'm looking for specific answers. The point is really just to generate discussion.

  • Member
    September 7, 2015

    My answer was a bit on the final side wasn't it. Sorry about that, no wolf treat for me over that one. *Whines...

  • Member
    September 7, 2015
    I wasn't accusing you of that, Sotek! You're fine. :)