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Philosophical discussion on the nature of TES universe

  • Member
    July 22, 2015

    "... the sigh of the oppressed creature". Yes I think Marx was right there too. Although in my religious days I used to argue against that: although now I think that was more about the failure of Communism than the need for supernatural belief. Douglas Adams was a fervent atheist (I'd just call myself agnostic) but even he wrote - 1 of my favourite quotes - "In an infinite Universe anything is possible".

  • Member
    July 22, 2015

    Um, it's a quite a long chapter, and my speed-reading is a bit rusty. Any hints as to where I can find the clue? ;)

  • July 22, 2015

    Towards the End. When the star of the show finally arrives, Mr. I eat worlds himself. 

  • July 22, 2015

    Clark's Childhood's End also does the same. Loved that book and hated that book at the same time. 

    I sort of take this "opiate of the masses" concept and apply it to the Cyrodiilic Pantheon, which is a union of both Men and Mer pantheons. In a future chapter, my character talks about this. I also use it for the Thalmor. 

    This is the first character I've created that was so devout. His faith is everything to him and yet at the same time, he's quite accepting of others. 

  • Member
    July 22, 2015

    Actaully that rings some sort of bell. I'm off!

  • July 22, 2015
    Yes there are many interesting facets to Albe that I'm yet to explore further... ;)
  • July 22, 2015
    Love that quote!
  • Member
    July 22, 2015

    Ah, yes: I think I got it. Thanks. 

    I'm also disappointed to find that even Alduin uses bad grammar! *sigh*

    It's not easy being a pedant 

  • July 22, 2015

    humble and humbled are the same word in Dovahzul. Alduin is saying humbled. 

    Though granted, I think Alduin can say whatever he wants. 

  • Member
    July 22, 2015

    Haha, true! My beef is that 'pride' can't be 'humbled'; people are humbled. Humbled means one's pride being lessened. It's like a tautology. 

    It may just be a bad translation ofc. 

    Told you I was pedantic!