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A Month of Short Stories ~ February 2015

  • Member
    February 3, 2015

    Yep. As long as it's not part of the ongoing series.

  • Member
    February 3, 2015

    That's perfectly acceptable. I did it last time, remember? 

  • Member
    February 3, 2015

    True! A detailed origin story is not a bad idea... I think I'll be entering this one. 

  • Member
    February 3, 2015

    Three cheers for AMoST 2! I already have 2 stories in the wetworks and this is just the motivation I need! 

  • Member
    February 4, 2015

    Finally, a place I can tell the tale of my true story in ESO. I had to get it out someplace, and I was too close to being a complete idiot and hiding it in a journal entry for school.

  • Member
    February 6, 2015

    By post as a blog, it does mean as a discussion on the short story group, correct?

    I'm new 

  • Member
    February 6, 2015

    No, as a blog.

  • Member
    February 6, 2015

    Yeah, just figured out how to do that, thx!

  • Member
    February 10, 2015

    Am I allowed to add in multiple entries by any chance?

  • February 10, 2015

    Well you already have, so I suppose so . Okan or Boro can answer this better though. Its their call.