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WIP Event Build : The Watchman

Tags: #Character Build Warrior  #Character Build Rogue  #Character Build Hero  #Race:Imperial  #Crossworlds3 
  • Member
    December 9, 2017
    An enormous thumbs up from me as a Pratchett fan. I found an article on torch damage in particular. It deals 3 damage per second over three seconds, so 9 damage total. The torch flame effect is a flame destruction spell effect, so Augmented Flames works on it. I do not know if Intense Flames/Aspect of Terror do, but it might be worth a console command test, since that would up damage to something like 18 flame damage/sec for three seconds. All blocking perks that affect 1-Handed weap No affect the torch.
  • December 11, 2017

    Mercurias said: An enormous thumbs up from me as a Pratchett fan. I found an article on torch damage in particular. It deals 3 damage per second over three seconds, so 9 damage total. The torch flame effect is a flame destruction spell effect, so Augmented Flames works on it. I do not know if Intense Flames/Aspect of Terror do, but it might be worth a console command test, since that would up damage to something like 18 flame damage/sec for three seconds. All blocking perks that affect 1-Handed weap No affect the torch.

    Thanks for the input !

    The 3 for 3 sec I did know it but the no effect of block perks for one hand while torch block that's hard ! I do remember checking in a previous build that disarming bash wasn't working with a torch but I have not tested the rest of it.

    Does anyone know what is the base damage (without the destruciton effect) of the torch alone that is used to calculate bash damage in this instance ?


    So I didn't play the build as much as intended this week-end, only push it to Lvl10 so far in circa 6 hours of gameplay, but it give me some new ideas... Will update the main post as much as I can during the week and try to advance the playthrough in the meantime...

  • Member
    December 14, 2017
    Block calculates based on armor class, and I read that the Torch was assigned an AC value of 30 for the purposes of bashing. Uesp has the full formula on its Block skill page for Skyrim. I’d search further, but I’m about to be late for work.
  • Member
    December 16, 2017

    Interesting. I just read a book with Commander Vimes, and although I won't be reading it again, I think his transition to Skyrim will work wonderfully.

  • December 18, 2017

    Finally found the time to work a little more on the build, added the full watchmen (and woman) description for the followers that will join our fine commander in his various investigation...

    Also funny story... I managed to end the Forsowrn conspiracy quest with mimum casualties (clearing the full quest without killing Nepos or having Thonar wife killed and still getting the evidence, Freeing Madanach without having Thonar and his guard killed...), I'm a bit impressed it actually worked !

    Mercurias said: Block calculates based on armor class, and I read that the Torch was assigned an AC value of 30 for the purposes of bashing. Uesp has the full formula on its Block skill page for Skyrim. I’d search further, but I’m about to be late for work.

    Thanks for the tip Mercurias, that should mean that the perks that increase block damage will still work with torch bashing

    Gollum said:

    Interesting. I just read a book with Commander Vimes, and although I won't be reading it again, I think his transition to Skyrim will work wonderfully.

    Thanks Gollum, I don't know which Pratchett's book you read but I can guarantee that the ones involving the Watch are never disappointment ! 

  • Member
    December 18, 2017

    It was called Snuff!

  • December 20, 2017

    How are you doing on this, JustRed? Hollar if you need anything. 

  • Member
    December 20, 2017

    I'm kind of curious how you are tackling Watchman-like tasks. You mentioned previously that you'd probably take on more than one hold, which makes a lot of sense to me.

    One thing that might emulate Vimes' slow rise to respectability is to start at the lower towns, help folks out, visit the taverns for "assignments" (bounties), clear troublesome spots surrounding the city, and when you become eligible to be a thane, get yourself "promoted" to a slightly less dingy town. Rinse and repeat. Working your way up to Solitude might be a pretty cool end game (especially considering the two epic save-the-day-from-the-Wolf Queen quests.

    One way or the other, still looking forward to seeing Vimes in action (I usually try to get a novel read when Christmas rolls around, and I actually dusted off my copy of Guards! Guards! to give it a read over the holidays :D).

  • Member
    December 21, 2017

    Skyrimizing a story looks like fun. If possible I would like to know the source material at some point to check it out. Looking forward to this one.

  • Member
    December 25, 2017

    So many fantastic lines in Guards! Guard's!  xD

    I like, "It's a metaphor of human bloody existence, a dragon. And if that wasn't bad enough, it's also a bloody great hot flying thing."

    But my favorite by far:

    "It is said that the gods play games with the lives of men. But what games, and why, and the identities of the actual pawns, and what the game is, and what the rules are--who knows?

    Best not to speculate. 

    Thunder rolled...

    It rolled a six."

    I gotta get more books from this series!