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Tosh Raka'd

  • April 14, 2016

    Can't help it. Thalmory Tsaescence and all. As for the Ka Po'Tun, they seem somewhat Khajiiti, I can't see much resemblance with Nords though.

  • Member
    April 14, 2016

    Well you mentioned an Akaviri version of the Dragon Cult. We know the Ka Po Tun want to be dragons and destroy the Snakes, and we know the snakes went to find a Dragonborn...

    Thematic links, maybe?

  • April 15, 2016

    Well, since they want to becjme dragons, it's logical to assume that they think dragons are the most awesome creatures and probably they worship them. Albeit it's not really like the Nordic Dradon Cult, the similarity is there.

    On the other hand, there are Tsaesci whom Ka Po'Tun hate, which is no wonder since they want to kill their gods (what does this remind you of?))))) Tsaesci obviously don't think dragons are awesome but they respect Dragonborns because they can kill dragons (that's where the Blades belief that killing dragons is a Dragonborn's purpose probably stems from).

    What is really interesting is why the Tsaesci hate the dragons so much?

  • Member
    April 17, 2016

    i think that he was a man cat, who became a man cat dragon.

  • Member
    April 17, 2016
    Just a thought that struck me as curious. As to the dichotomy of tosh raka and akatosh, I direct you to the name likeness. If you cut the syllables in half of akatosh, you're left with aka and tosh. Reverse them and you have Tosh and Aka. Then add a tigerish theme to it, such as purring or roaring, add the r to the end, and you have Tosh Raka.
  • Member
    April 17, 2016
    As such, I believe it's safe to assume that he could be the ka po tun variant of the dragon god of time, much like the khajiit have alkosh, which is just another obvious akatosh name variant.
  • April 19, 2016

    It's obvious Tosh Raka is a Dragonborn. 

  • Member
    April 29, 2016


    Phil, what I love about this is that it not only gives some insight into a very cool bit of corner-lore, but it also helps me get a handle on some central stuff that I'm not so clear on (the Alduin/Akatosh/avatar/etc stuff).  

  • Member
    April 29, 2016

    Thanks Paul. If you have any thoughts on what you are unclear on, I urge you to start a discussion if you feel like discussing it. I am glad this may have been helpful.