Skyrim Character Building » Discussions

Character Building Events

  • June 4, 2014

    Also, when you actually get into the lore of the holds and cities (like from other games or books), it gets very interesting and can offer a fair bit of depth as more than Winterhold=wizard, Riften=thief.

  • Member
    June 4, 2014

    Specific item is one thing, but I'm talking about basing a build over it. Like Henson's Forgotten and Aetherial Shield 

  • Member
    June 4, 2014

    Dibs on dawnstar if this happens. lol

  • Member
    June 5, 2014
    Does anyone else think that our Event Builds deserve to be ranked? When muggles (non-members) come to check out our builds, they go straight for the Legendary and Mythic ranks because it's the best we have to offer. Why wouldn't event builds get thrown in with the rest? That's another reason I didn't like the "Event Build" prefix, it doesn't make sense to those who aren't familiar with our Events and nobody wants to see Event Builds and Character Builds all mixed together. The Event Tag should have been enough IMO. Thoughts? Opinions?
  • June 5, 2014
    Especially seeing how the majority of Winterhold is anti-magic. To add on to this idea, you just have to receive the quests in the hold, you should be allowed to leave the hold to complete them.
  • June 6, 2014
    I agree with this. I think event builds should be ranked. Ranking them would give them much deserved attention.
  • Member
    June 6, 2014

    I agree as well. No reason why they can't have an ordinary rank tag as well.

  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    Definitely. I don't know anyone who is going through the events to see how they turned out. I participated in both and I haven't been back since! The only way our epic event builds will receive proper recognition is by ranking them. This doesn't have to be immediate and I know Mason fought against it but I suggest ranking them and changing the prefix back. We could take a vote or wait til Mason gets back but I think it'd be a good idea :) Does anyone remember why he didn't want to rank them to begin with? I feel like it had to do with the prefix change.
  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    I disagree with this idea. At a glance, it makes it easier to tell normal builds from the event. The tags keep the entries separate and they are not ranked because they are special event builds that ate already getting much attention then the normal builds. Not sure what Billy thinks of this, but I am against changing it back.
  • Member
    June 6, 2014
    It is a seperate tag already.