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  • Member
    December 19, 2015

    Wasn't there somewhere a list of recomebded mods for both Morrowind and Oblivion on the blog? If anyone can find a link to it or recomend some mods for both games then I would be gratefull.

    Don't care about Vampires but anything else would be of interest like Karver's suggestion Better Cities for Oblivion.

    Except stupid half-naked hentai whore outfits....  (Hi Aela..)

  • December 19, 2015

    BTB´s Morrowind Mod List This one was here for some time, it was left here by Archannon I think. 

    And here´s my Mod List for Oblivion.

  • Member
    December 22, 2015

    I have a current build idea I am going to try, but I have a few questions.

    The build idea is a mage/thief/assassin

    Race / Sex: Breton / Female

    The idea is, in fact, based on Enthir from Skyrim.

    Her main means of fighting is to use destruction spells (distance for long-range fighting, touch range for assassination) from stealth; her main armor style is mage robes (eventually the Arch-Mage's robes.)

    I would like some ideas as to what to make her primary skills; he most-used skills would be Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, Stealth, Alchemy, and Blade.

    I already know her path through the game:

    Beginning and escape from prison, Zero Visibility (for a temporary place to live), Mage's Guild (go all the way through the quest line, becoming Arch-Mage at the end), Thieves' Guild (go all the way through the quest line, becoming the Gray Fox at the end), not getting involved with the Dark Brotherhood (unless forced to because of an accidental kill.)  Then he will do the Kot9 quests to eliminate his infamy.

    1) What are is a good list of primary skills to prevent over-leveling, but I would like one in each attribute (Strength, Endurance, etc.)

    2) What would be a good house for such a character?

  • December 22, 2015

    I guess some fancy house would be great, maybe more in the Heartlands. Chorrol or Skingrad. Or maybe Anvil which is quite fancy, cheap and have secret basement. 

    Alchemy can be quite overleveling, Illusion too. Blade, Stealth, Destruction are quite ok, only Restoration is somewhere in the middle. Block doesn´t level very fast either, as far as I remember. Athletics too. 

  • Member
    December 24, 2015
    So back to a question I had some time ago. PC Morrowind. It's on sale so I'll be buying it, I think. Do I need any additional programs? And any suggested mods?
  • December 24, 2015

    No aidditional programs. In terms of mods, Graphics enhancers are always good choice to start with.

  • Member
    December 24, 2015
    Thank you! So just install it, and then open the file/shortcut thing?
  • December 24, 2015

    I´m not sure what you mean. 

    Some mods have installers, others just need to be copied into your game folder. With steam it´s usually Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Morrowind/Data

  • Member
    December 24, 2015
    Was meaning for the game itself. Mods will be an adventure of their own, but thank you :)
  • Member
    January 3, 2016

    Hey guys, While I've played all the TES games all the way back to Arena I never finished any of them until Skyrim.  My worst memories of most of the TES games is that my computers would never play them and by the time I got a new computer the games were seriously outdated so they got a cursory playthrough (I hated Daggerfall...never could understand the maps and so never really gave that game a shot). 

    Anyway, on to my question.  I saw Morrowind was on sale on Steam.  Anyone play this on Steam and how is the play?  I know some of the older games just don't do well on the newer machines (I tried to install Arena some years back as it was my favorite but it ran horribly on DOS Boot).