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Straag Rod (The Turning Wheel): Book 1

  • January 27, 2016

    Tis the 28th for me Lissette, luckily I don't use Australian time for anything, so now I just get to be overjoyed today. I'll go give it a read right now 

  • January 27, 2016

    Thanks. :)

  • January 27, 2016

    I done made arts. 

  • Member
    January 27, 2016

    You done did good.

  • February 22, 2016

    So I guess I should explain myself. 

    Why haven't I been writing? A few things. 

    In general, quite unsatisfied with the current draft of Part two's Chapter 2. It's one of those where there's Bethesda dialogue and I'm not a fan of the chapters that use them, unless the dialogue is unavoidable or I spin it in such a way that's novel. But there is just a fundamental problem with Aelberon even being in High Hrothgar that Bethesda doesn't even touch, so I will go there. It had always bugged me and when something bugs me, I tend to just let it stew for a while and come up with something better. Once I cross this teeny hurdle, it'll get progressively easier.  That'll take me a while. I have also been finalizing his lore. 

    I've also been working on two other projects. One is a combined effort with Teineeva and Lyall, who have been so awesome to really put most of the effort into it right now, since I've been working on yet another project. We are creating a Lore article based on the Void Nights. 

    The Void Nights

    The next project is also for an event. In the Character building section. Yeah, Imma making my first Character Build and no, it's not Albee, though his build is in the early stages too. The event build requires that we use artifacts, so I will wabbajack, and otherwise staff and scroll my way through the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood with this lovely Argonian who happens to also be a writer. 

    The Freelancer

    Again, my apologies for making this huge hullabaloo about premiering Part 2 and then being a total stinker and not adding more chapters! These projects should take me through mid-March unfortunately, so right now? Feverishly play-testing this little Argonian. 

  • February 22, 2016

    Seems like it's been an unusually stuffed month for all of us)))

  • Member
    February 22, 2016

    It's okay, Lissette. Atleast you found some other things to do besides writing in this site.

    P.S. How goes your sultry Argonian freelancer? I see you've added a... nice looking mid/end-game perk spread. 

  • February 22, 2016

    Yes, her perk spreads are... interesting. 

    She is a delight to play. Was quite surprised. You need tact for this one, but I only die when I'm stupid. Playing on Expert, but I'm sure, if you're more careful, this could easily be done on Master or Legendary, as the skills are not really dependent on damage dealt.

  • February 22, 2016

    Haha, these perk spreads kinda imply that she is quite a naughty Argonian maid))))

  • February 29, 2016

    Wow, after over a month, finally chapter 2 is up. Had to split it though, went in a completely different direction in my editing. He's got one more in High Hrothgar.

    Chapter II

    Sisterbane will get a peek of it tomorrow. So, there are probably more errors.