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Easy Skills and Levels in the Tutorial

  • August 1, 2012

    When you reach the part in the tutorial at the beginning of the game.

    Where you choose to enter the keep with either Hadvar or Rolaf, choose Hadvar.

    Have Hadvar cut the bindings off your hands.

    Grab the iron sword off the wall in the room. Then, simply keep hitting Hadvar with the sword as he stands by the door to keep leveling up the One-Handed skill.

    Once you knock him down, make sure to not hit him anymore until he gets back up.

    To level up the Sneak skill, keep sneaking up on Hadvar while he stands by the door, and then attack him with the sword.

    Do this for the first 32 levels.

    Once you reach level 33 for the Sneak skill, you can simply sit behind him and hit him with the sword every six seconds.

    To level up the Two-Handed skill, progress a little further in the game, and get the two-handed sword.

    Once you reach the area with the bear where Hadvar gives you the bow and arrow, keep hitting Hadvar with the two-handed sword to easily level up the Two-Handed skill. (Do not Sneak while doing this or Hadvar will move on.)

    To level up the Destruction skill, keep burning Hadvar.

    If you leveled the One-Handed, Sneak, Two-Handed, and Destruction skills to level 100 using this method, you should have 37 perk points and be at level 37 to start the game.


  • Member
    August 1, 2012

    Christ! How long does this take?!

  • August 1, 2012
    Upwards of two hours. I tried it for one build, it took FOREVER. But it is worth the time.
  • Member
    August 1, 2012

    lol! ouch! Personally I don't have the drive for power glitchin'. Did a couple rounds of iron daggers just to get over the hump back in Nov., but that's it. Do like this new group though. Informative, if I ever feel the need.

  • August 7, 2012

    AHA!   Looks like your posting the glitch right after me....

  • Member
    August 15, 2012

    if you had 37 perks you would be level 38

  • August 18, 2012

    If you choose Altmer you can also level up illusion by casting fear at Ralof or Hadvar, or at least it worked for me.

  • August 18, 2012

    Yea fury my bad... 

  • Member
    August 20, 2012

    All of these work on ps3 although it takes a really long time and hadvar will go through the door 

  • August 20, 2012

    Thanks for the confirmation, I'll add it into the post.