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Character Build: The Dark Arch-Mage

Tags: #Rank:Bloodworks 
  • Member
    April 18, 2015

    Atreus’ Journal 4E 204, Third of Frostfall, Middas.

    Many years ago, on the darkest night I had ever seen, I walked the streets of Alinor, rushing to get home to my wife and son. I heard a blood-curdling scream come from an alley not too far behind me, and began walking faster. Another scream sounded, even closer. I saw a shadow approaching. Yes, a shadow, on the darkest night of the year. It approached with such speed as I had never seen before. Not hesitating, I blasted it with flames, but it was gone the second I turned around. I sprinted down the street. The guards’ barracks weren’t far off now, I though I could make it. Then I felt powerful hands grip my shoulders and throw me down to the ground. I looked up and saw death, with his red eyes, staring me in the face, so I did the only logical thing… I roasted him with my entire arsenal of spells. He staggered back, but then he charged at me and knocked me down again. This time, he moved quickly. He pinned me down and sank his long fangs into my neck. His face was badly burned, and I was happy knowing that I did not die without leaving him a permanent mark. But then he stopped, when I was but an inch from death. “Know my name and forever remember the curse that I, Movarth of Skyrim, have placed upon you. Now, you will never die, but be tormented for eternity because of the wounds you have inflicted upon me.” He sped away, leaving me dying in the street. I don’t know how, but I crawled the rest of the way to my home, and my wife tended to my wounds and I slept. In fact, I slept for three whole days. The first thing I remember when I awoke was the thirst. A maddening thirst for blood. When my wife came in I- well, the thirst was irresistible. The screams from my family were heard by the guards, they were killed in my rampage as well. When I realized what I had done, it was too late. I fled from Alinor, from the Isles, into a place where I could find this Movarth. I fled to Skyrim. I learned more and more about magic there, honing my talent for Destruction, and adding new skills to my arsenal. Eventually, I mastered all schools of magic, and became the Arch-mage of the College in Winterhold. From then on, the hunt for Movarth began, and I strengthened my vampiric skills to the point where I was a trusted member in Lord Harkon’s court. I became well known in Skyrim as Atreus, the Dark Arch-mage.

    Image result for dark arch mage

    The Build

    Race: High Elf Vampire

    Major Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Enchanting, Restoration.

    Minor Skills: Alteration, Illusion, One handed, Heavy Armor.

    Stat spread: 2/2/1 M/H/S

    Equipment: For most of the game, you’ll be using leveled mage robes of destruction and Arch-mage robes, but once you can get sigil stones, craft some daedric armor and enchant each piece with something pertaining to a magic skill. When the battle gets too tough, pull out Dawnbreaker and wreak havoc on your undead enemies.

    Shouts: Dragon Aspect, Unrelenting Force, Bend Will.

    Level 50 Perks

    Destruction: Novice-Adept Destruction, Dual Casting, Impact, Augmented Flames, Frost, Shock, Disintegrate.

    Conjuration: Novice-Expert Conjuration, Mystic Binding, Soul Stealer, Necromancy.

    Enchanting: Enchanter (4/5), Insightful Enchanter.

    Alteration: Novice-Apprentice Alteration, Mage Armor (3/3).

    Illusion: Novice-Adept Illusion, Animage, Kindred Mage.

    Restoration: Novice-Adept Restoration, Regeneration, Necromage, Recovery (2/2)

    One Handed: Armsman (2/5), Fighting Stance.

    Heavy Armor: Juggernaut (2/5), Well-fitted, Tower of Strength, Fists of Steel.

     Image result for daedra


    For this build, you use ALL magic skills. Collect as many restore Magicka potions as possible, you’ll need them to keep fighting. Open the fight by conjuring an Atronach or Daedra (Sanguine Rose is NOT a bad idea for the Dark Arch-Mage), equipping your most powerful flesh spell and Dragon Aspect together, and charging in with either a bound weapon or Dawnbreaker to destroy your enemies while firing some sort of flame/lightning/frost spell at them. Always try to insert a vampire power here and there, and for a big challenge, just go Vampire Lord on them.

    Thanks to Robert Franklin who made this build better.

  • Member
    April 18, 2015
    Its not atheists is atheiss
  • Member
    April 18, 2015

    Hello Kevin and welcome to The Skyrim Blog! 

    I'm sorry to give you the bad news, but this does not meet the minimum requirements for a decent character build. A character build needs to have at least a perkspread and a gameplay section which details how to use skills and spells in combination. What you have here is too few. I encourage you to look at the Mythic and Legendary ranked builds to get a grip on how things work around here. I also advise you to read the Character Building Guide

    Unfortunately I have to feature your discussion. This means you have 24 hours to add a decent gameplay section and a perkspread or else I have to delete your build. Good luck!

  • April 18, 2015
    I think it's too small. You hardly explain anything about the character only that he uses magic and he's a vampire. For instance: - what tipe of magic does he use -what does he wear -how do you fight -What skills and perks he has If you do all that i think it would turn out to be quite a good build
  • Member
    April 18, 2015
    Have you read any other builds on this site?
  • Member
    April 18, 2015
    Is this better
  • Member
    April 18, 2015

    The perkspread is ok. Now you have two playstyle sections. The first one is about roleplaying. It has nothing to do with the title. The second section is only one sentence long. Expand on it. Which specific spells do you use? How do they impact your other skills? How do you fight different types of npcs: archers, mages, fighters, dragons? 

  • Member
    April 18, 2015
    Now is it better? hope it is.
  • Member
    April 18, 2015
    Is this what u mean
  • April 18, 2015
    Its certainly better and yes that is what i meant