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Missive of the Ansei - Chapter 4 and Conclusion

  • August 23, 2015

    Chapter Four: Preparation


    Perhaps the most important of my father's teachings, as a warrior needs to understand that half of the battle is won before the blades are drawn. After all, first blood is much less important than last breath, and the warrior that endures till the end of the battle will be the victor.


    Daily exercise is important, focus on strength and endurance, vitality will be put on second plan, avoid the blows, do not try to stop them with your flesh. Control of magicka is also important, though it is put on second plan, focus on control and release, magnitude is not as important.


    Diet is also a big part of preparation, avoid sweets, sugary fruits and teas will hinder you. Meats and vegetables is what I recommend, as they will help you build endurance and vitality. For washing it down, I recommend an extraction of coffee and seaweed, as it will keep you awake during training and battle.


    The final part of your preparation is the choice and maintenance of your equipment. Makela Leki teaches us that it is the swordsman, not the sword that is truly important, however, a master swordsman swinging a blunt edge will not be as powerful as another master using a masterfully crafted piece. Take care to keep your equipment pristine.



    Stats go all into stamina, you'll need it to cast all of your abilities, to buff your damage and to aid your regeneration. Plus, it gives you more resources to cc break, dodge roll and block, avoiding damage instead of tanking it.


    Health is a tank stat, for pve the tank will serve as your meatshield, and for pvp you have the battle spirit buff. This character is not a tank, health stays zero. And so does magicka, you only use magicka for cc and maybe some utility. When you need magicka again it will have regenerated, magicka stays at zero as well.


    Now for foods, I personally prefer to buff health and stamina or just stamina with foods, some like the rare tri stat recipes, but I don't think I need the extra magicka boost. For drinks, health regen is worthless, magicka isn't used enough to warrant the use of regen, so stamina is the way to go when considering drinks.


    As for gear, I use all medium, with a two handed sword as my primary, and a bow as my secondary. I don’t discuss the bow in this missive because it is mainly used for utility, and because I do not use it enough to speak as an experienced bowmaster. Sets to consider are: Way of the Air, Skirmisher’s Bite, Morag Tong, Hunding’s Rage, Ashen Grip and Shadow Walker’s. Some 5 piece set bonuses are very very good, but I generally prefer to mix and match to achieve either a maximum of stamina regeneration, or weapon damage. The best two handed weapon for this build and many others is in my opinion the Master’s Greatsword, not only it looks the part for a Yokudan Swordmaster, but it also maximises your weapon damage. While you still don’t have a Master’s Greatsword I advise using Hunding’s Rage and completing the 5 piece set with a Hunding’s Rage Greatsword, an Ashen Grip Greatsword for the 3 piece set, or a Greatsword of the Dreugh King Slayer for the 2 piece set.



    I have pondered the creation of this missive for some time, as I was not sure of how well it would be received, or if any of those who read it would fully understand all of the techniques and sequences contained in these pages. Truth be told, I write this for posterity, for the hopes of a future where I may rebuild my home, raise a family and pass my knowledge to them. But alas, the war leaves little time to consider such luxuries, and if I am not able to pass on the knowledge by myself, I leave this book and the copies that I have made of it with Olaf Sandstrider and Anders Gaerheart, my most trusted friends and advisers. I trust they will not let this go to waste. 

    I write this treatise in a time where it could arguably save many lives. Anchors fall from the sky, cultists corrupt my homeland and a war tears the continent apart. After travelling the land to its fullest, I am confident when I say that the Yokudan swordsmanship is the peak of finesse in our conflicted continent. Any and all who choose to fully master it to its absolute fullest will certainly do well. Remember the maxims, honor your opponent with a swift end, and always seek to improve yourself, go forth with my blessing, and learn in your walkabout all that I cannot teach you through these pages. 


    Thank you for reading, and I hope this was helpful and entertaining all the same. As far as lore goes, not all is 100% spot on, I took a few liberties and I’m saying this as a disclaimer.



  • Member
    August 23, 2015

    Thanks for posting this series Soneca - it's like a guide and build in one! I definitely think two-handed is the best melee skill so I will be using some of these tips if I do get back in to high level PVP/PVE.

  • August 23, 2015

    Definitely is, those dual wielding plebs don't know what they're missing