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Missive of the Ansei - Introduction and Chapter 1

  • August 21, 2015



    My name is Lucius Capran de Cyrodiil, born a noble of Cheydinhal, raised by my mother and father to follow in their footsteps. My mother, Lucina Capran de Cyrodiil was a Legate stationed at the city, a position she conquered during the rebellion of Valen Aquilarios, and kept till the end of her days. My father, Hasell, bearing no last names, fought beside her against the Longhouse Emperors, and was an Ansei of first rank.


    I understand that after the absence of the ansei, my claim must sound absurd. I care not for the opinions of old historians that think they know all about bladecraft based on their studies of a few dusty tomes, those with an even mind and a sound body will see use in my techniques, and will find use for them in the battles they face.


    My parents met their end trying to defend their estate against the mad cultists of the worm, and the daedra that they conjured. I survived and held our property for five years after their death, but alongside a few of my closest allies, we were driven out by the overwhelming numbers of the Pact invaders. I escaped with a few trinkets, and both my father’s sword, and a memory stone, where he detailed his training, and recorded his methods. The stone detailed his walkabout, and while his stories were grand, that is not what I am here to share. Below I will detail his techniques, and my own improvements to his methods.


    Chapter one: The Basics of Swordsmanship


    The Honor Guards of the Covenant are one of the finest examples of contemporary swordmasters, as I learned while performing my own Walkabout. While they favor the Yokudan longsword as their primary weapon, fact remains that Bretons and Orcs both fill their ranks as well. This often creates a mix of different styles and techniques that at the end benefit this particular knightly order greatly, as it creates something new, that makes use of the best each has to offer.


    Of course, the roots of their swordsmanship are still very much grounded on the yokudan principles, and because of that it tends to be much more elegant than any other style found in Tamriel. In the time I spent with them I learned that I was wasting too many movements, and that in the time I struck once, my betters could strike two twice in a flash that untrained eyes cannot follow, and even end at a perfect guard position. After a year spent in their company, I mastered this conservation of movement, and modified it to suit a faster, more mobile footwork.



    In game, this mechanic is known as animation cancelling. It consists of cancelling the long winded animations of your light attacks, heavy attacks and even some of your abilities. Light attacks can be canceled with abilities, and by doing this you can reliably increase your dps by adding a light attack before every single ability cast, even a healing ability.


    As a two handed weapons user, I use Rally as my main damage and self heal. Usually one needs to interrupt his dps for at least two seconds to cast Rally again when the effect ends. While Rally isn’t a particularly long winded ability, two seconds can make a big difference in some situations.


    By light attacking and quickly pressing the button for rally, the animation for my light attack is canceled, but the attack still goes off, dealing the damage normally. I can also cancel the animation of my ability by blocking, conserving movement and time with a well timed sequence of button presses. So while the average player may lose two seconds of dps by casting Rally to renew his damage buff, you can chain an additional light attack and cut the Rally animation by pressing: Light attack, Rally, Block in quick succession.


    This is just one of the methods I use to increase my dps, and remember, this can be used to cancel light attacks into damage abilities as well, to hit with both at the same time. As a nightblade, I cancel a light attack into a Surprise Attack, and depending on the situation I’ll either hold block after pressing Surprise Attack to take less damage from my enemy’s next hit, or I’ll cancel the animation of Surprise Attack into a dodge or a Bash to either avoid or interrupt my enemy. Certain Ultimate abilities can be canceled with bashes or dodge rolls as well, such as Death Stroke.


    As an added utility, bashes and dodge rolls can be used to occasionally cancel channels, such as Wrecking Blow, to cancel the ability and quickly remove you from a vulnerable state.



  • August 21, 2015

    I will be posting the following chapters soon.