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Unlimited Shouts *Not a Restoration Exploit*

  • September 21, 2012

    Hey guys, I just found out a way to get unlimited shouts without the restoration exploit. When you get to the Throat of the World, Paarthurnax will teach one of the words of Fire Breath and tell you to use it on him. But instead fast travel away, now your shouts cooldown will be really quick. However you won't be able to complete the main quest unless you want to give up your unlimited shouting. This is much easier and less tedious than the restoration exploit (and maybe considered safe for some people who avoid huge glitches). It is also slightly less effective than restoration version, you still have a cooldown, it just takes one second to cooldown.

  • Member
    September 21, 2012

    Interesting, it can definitely become tedious having to level Enchanting and Alchemy all the way to 100 just to take advantage of the Fortify Restoration enchantment buff.  Could you take a video or something to show just how effective it is?  Is it always 1 second, or would it be faster for, say, level 1 Elemental Fury vs. level 3 Storm Call?

  • Member
    September 21, 2012
    I believe the same can be acheived when you first visit HH and are going through the 2nd 'trial' (shoot the targets with Unrelenting Foce). Maybe someone could test this.
  • September 21, 2012

    I'm afraid I can't take a video, and I haven't been able to find one. The character I tested this with only has a couple shouts with relatively the same cooldown, it would be very interesting to try storm call, I'll try to run by High Gate ruins or Forelholst to pick one of the words up tonight. I'll run some tests right now.

  • September 21, 2012

    That would make this even simpler, I could test that.

  • September 21, 2012

    Update! The cooldown appears to just skip to ready, but I've had it were I couldn't shout or sprint until I sheathed my sword, so don't go spam-crazy. Also the average time is about 4 seconds( sometimes it's different). The shout DOESN'T determine the cooldown, storm call and elemental fury typically have the same cooldown.

  • Member
    May 9, 2013

    Nice, might be handy while you are leveling the alchemy and enchanting for some builds here. Then complete story anyways.

  • May 9, 2013

    Yeah the no shout thing happens when you use restoration to achieve it as well. Usually sprinting or sheathing will fix it.

  • July 2, 2013

    ya,its useless if it dosent work after 1.9 patch

  • July 2, 2013

    I haven't tested it after 1.9, I still don't have the patch.