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Writers Discuss - Showing Emotion (#17)

  • October 19, 2015
    I think The Last Samurai with Tom Cruisewas modeled off the story somewhat too.
  • October 19, 2015
    Thanks Lissette. I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo around here!
  • Member
    October 19, 2015

    Thanks guys, and that's a good point Okan, that's hit the nail on the head. Initially readers are dependent on a follow up like Andrew suggested but once the reader becomes accustomed to Sotek's tail then the dependency wears off.

    Now the real trick is to incorporate this in the story. Argonians aren't the easiest of the races to read so what  I actually do is train Aela to read Sotek's tail as a means of conveying his mood. As Aela learns then so too does the reader.

  • Member
    November 27, 2015

    Hello; me here, late as usual.

    Great discussion! I particularly enjoyed learning about Sotek's tail.

    As for the topic: they say "write what you know", don't 'they'?

    My Shinbira is angry a lot, has a 'keen' sense of humour & is an idiot when drunk. 

    That's all I'm saying.... 

  • November 27, 2015
    Hello stranger! My character Vianto is similar in that he is also angry a lot, has an idiot's sense of humour and is keen on getting drunk..,