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Character Archetypes - What are their stories?

  • October 7, 2015
    That sounds like the famous chivalry if the medieval knights in shining armor. I think the reality of them was probably more like the GRR Martin version of them. Same goes for Skyrim. The Vigilants are probably the closest to the idea of a righteous Paladin.
  • Member
    October 7, 2015

    Reality is irrelevant, this is a computer game. Games, among other things, serve as a form of "escape from reality", of being someone you can't be in real life. It's about the desire of the player and the possibilities of the game.

  • October 7, 2015
    But reality forms the framework of any good game. There has to be some elements of it there for reference or no one can relate to it.
  • Member
    October 7, 2015

    Of course, but there also should be something unattainable, impossible in reality. Otherwise why would I play a game - I'll just live my life

  • October 7, 2015
    You obviously have not taken the same pills as me in the past, Overhate. ;)
  • Member
    October 7, 2015

    The Backstory for my Sorcerer Char i will play once I got a better PC is that his Master/Teacher was killed because he wasn't fast enough to cast a armor spell. So he wears heavy armor, making him always prepared.

  • Member
    October 14, 2015

    To be fair, this kind of night-blade variant has elements regarding to a witch-hunters activities such as hunting a certain type of supernatural creature. Like feral werewolves and servants of diabolical overlords which I am referring to Mehrunes Dagon and Molag Bal. To be fair this variant is also a werewolf, not feral.

    I am going to post a roleplaying profile soon. Incomplete though because I am trying to play-test it on my PC eventually.