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Resurrection Research

  • Member
    July 21, 2015

    I've just had a look at the Help Thread I feel this would get lost there as well. Leave it here for the moment.

  • July 21, 2015
    Ok no worries. Having it here certainly helped me with the latest blog...
  • Member
    July 21, 2015

    That's what I was thinking. Whether there was a way to keep all the specific discussions on how writers would approach certain situations like Resurrection in one place. I feel having them in the one location would be beneficial and easy to access. No matters.

  • July 21, 2015
    Any way you could place an index based on tags for various topics within the discussion group? Then you could just link it to another section without having members post in that section. Is that making sense? Had a couple of whiskeys...
  • July 21, 2015

    In response to the question of resurrection, do you think it then possible when someone starts necromantic activities, they are forever bound to the Ideal Masters within the soul cairn, the souls of the dead are simply recycled. In the taking of a life but not a soul i.e. murder the soul then travels to the soul cairn, when a Necromage reanimates a dead body that original soul is then reused to power the dead rather than the mages magika. This would certainly explain why so many Necromancers end up in the soul Cairn themselves, as they are always one soul short and ultimately have to pay with their own, as I believe Magika alone cannot power the workings of a dead body. Seranas mother became trapped in the soul cairn by doing a similar deal she would provide souls for the ideal masters in exchange for sanctuary in the cairn, one assumes by killing people she fed upon, however as I said before all Necromancers are one soul short until they give up their own or tricked/ trapped by the Ideal Masters.  Any more strange theorem out there?