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Writers block

  • Member
    July 20, 2015
    Does anybody else have writers block i been having trouble with guardians of the north arc 2 to kill a nightingale I know the outline to it but I'm having problems the main problem is I don't know what to write anybody else got writers block also can you guys give any suggestions on how to overcome writers block.
  • Member
    July 20, 2015

    I've been stuck on Desert Thirst for months now. Well...maybe stuck isn't the right word. I've stopped to stare at the screen for 15 to 20 minutes and, unable to conjure up any words, gone to play a game instead. I'm so easily distracted.

  • July 20, 2015
    Hey Caleb. Try writing something else, a short story, a poem something about your weekend. Don't think about your story at all. Go out and socialise and take a notebook with you and write down anything about the conversations, the affect of the people you speak to or observe etc... Then go home, have a nice meal, have an early night and a good sleep AND THEN in the morning go back to your story. Sometimes your brain needs a different type of stimulation especially social and exercise. It will get the juices flowing. Hope that helps!
  • Member
    July 20, 2015

    Write out your outline. Put important plot points or notes down as you go. Then, look back on it and ask, "What is stopping me?" Laziness? You sit your butt down and write! Lack of plot? Use this time to work it out! No motivation? Inspire yourself! Read other stories, write a poem or even play some video games!

  • Member
    July 20, 2015
    Some great advice here! I like the title. And from that I assume you have a basic story in mind? Doing something else, reading: ideas can come when you're not straining for them. Showers are good! When I'm stuck I just start writing, whatever is in my head and I usually find the story flows after that. Then reread, edit, rinse, repeat
  • Member
    July 20, 2015

    By the way, to all who may be struggling, I can help out by being a lending ear! Simply add me on Steam (TaeRai) or Skype (chemcialdetonation) if you wish to chat about writing 

  • July 20, 2015
    Also look at your diet. The 2 main neurotransmitters involved in creativity are serotonin and dopamine. The amino acid precursor for serotonin is tryptophan, found in bananas and eggs. Dopamines amino acid precursor is tyrosine found in dairy and legumes. Lack of sleep, caffeine and alcohol tends to reduce these neurotransmitters (I'm surprised I can write anything at all) My science lesson for the day, thank you.
  • Member
    July 20, 2015

    Fascinating,  Andrew! Interestingly, bananas & eggs are 2 my staples, expecially in the morning. But also caffeine, & lack of sleep. I assume you're a doctor or some other type of medical scientist? I think you said somewhere but I can't remember 

  • Member
    July 20, 2015

    I don't use the steam forum & I only use Skype for family, but I'm happy for you to PM me if you wish.

  • July 20, 2015
    I'm a chiropractor but my training involved a lot of medicine, especially neurology