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Fallout Story: Brainstorming - the Legion

  • Member
    June 20, 2015

    Hey, all. Ace here. Some of you might remember the name Saryn. That's me. I've switched to a more Fallout-themed profile in anticipation for the new game. But that's beside the point.

    I'm really excited to get into a new story in the Fallout Universe. I had a quick question regarding Caesar's Legion. Do you think, in a fanfiction, that they would/could be able to speak Latin? I mean, they've adapted a lot of the culture, why not the language as well?

    Do you think having another language popping up in a story would be harmful? Obviously, if any of the lines were important to the narrative I would translate.

    Also, I do not speak Latin myself, so most of what I would eventually write would have to come from translators online, so anyone here who does speak Latin (or at least knows some about it, because no country speaks it anymore as far as I know) and could help me get everything right (eventually) that would be cool. 

    I'm just looking for feedback and thoughts on the whole thing, if you don't mind. Thanks.


  • Member
    June 20, 2015
    As an aspiring history buff, I'd like to jump in first to say the Romans spoke Latin, not Italian. Thay being said, as effed up as the FO Legion is (in morality and historical basis), they do have a few Latin terms being thrown around iirc, and I'd grant this gives a fanfic writer plenty of leeway to incorporate more.
  • Member
    June 20, 2015

    Latin, Latin. Right. Duh. I should have known that. I will change the OP to reflect that. Thanks.

  • Member
    June 21, 2015

    A few latin words here and there would definitely be welcome in the Legion, even entire sentences if you can manage it (with an appropriate translation). Ultimately it's your choice as the author how much or little you want to include. I look forward to reading this story. :D

    True to Caesar!

  • Mr.
    June 21, 2015

     While during the Legion's intensive training the recruits do learn some very basic latin, it is mostly used to refer either to Caesar himself or to other higher ranked military, some other words they could likely comprehend would be some kind of curse or something related to warfare and weaponry, given the Legion's military doctrine.

     However, the only limitation you have is your imagination. You could, for example, create a subjugated tribe which Caesar chose to be his elite, subject to even harder military training and educated by Caesar himself, so they could communicate in Latin, although that would take time. (Remember that many of the tribes conquered by the Legion had developed their own language, thus lowering communication between the two parties down to primitive methods).

  • June 24, 2015

    Hi Ace,

    I have not played Fallout, but I frequently implement Dovahzul in my fanfiction. I don't see any problem with you using another language in fanfiction if you provide translations. 

    Now, however, you'll have to provide relatively accurate translations. Translators online are pretty good and I've used several in the past to translate liturgical texts, but I don't speak the language. My background is music, which, has in the past exposed me to Latin text through my study of the Catholic liturgy. 

    What you could do with the culture is incorporate easily translated phrases and ideas without going into full-blown Latin. I'm not even sure they would absorb the entire language, but perhaps common phrases that were passed down from generation to generation. Does this make sense? It would give the sense of cultural absorption without having to write in another language. 

  • Member
    June 29, 2015

    One of my favourite Sci Fi series was the FIREFLY it only ran for 14 episodes then they made a film Serenity. Throughout the series when tensions became high they actually spoke Chinese  and there wasn't any translation at all. It worked fine.

    If you want to add a second language where they can slip into during tension and stress then I believe that it would add to the situation and atmosphere. It would be a good way of them swearing their heads off without actually swearing.

    "That sodding nothus... (Bastard)

    A bit like the Galactica series where they say Frak. If you use it well then it will be a powerful aid.