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Tales of Blackwood

  • August 27, 2014

    ~ Introduction ~

    Welcome to Blackwood Crossing, a grand town of the Rift of Skyrim. Torn down during the Dragon Crisis 75 years ago, but now it thrives once more, thanks to the efforts of those who sought to keep it breathing.

    The town itself is a growing every day. All manners of people from all kinds of races can be found within it's walls, and despite the efforts of the town guard, it has once again gained a reputation of a place where sell-swords and scum can be found in large quantity.

    The place feels alive, and it moves with a deliberate speed that swallows up any who linger too long, or rush too quickly. To live in Blackwood is to truly live, because more than ever you will cherish every breath, for it may be your last.

    ~ One Shot Chapters ~

    Forgiveness of a "Saint"

    The Call

    Eternal Entertainment



    Celestial Light

    ~ Back Stories ~



    Thank you all for your attention, this was made to try and connect my favorite parts of The Skyrim Blog. I hope these stories serve as an incentive for the writers of the Story Corner to come meet the characters present here in Blackwood Crossing.

    Warning: These chapters may contain mature content such as blood, gore and sexual themes.

  • August 27, 2014
    I got a tale to tell. It goes something like this: First day in Blackwood. Get brutally tortured, and die. The End.
  • August 27, 2014

    Honestly, that shouldn't happen, ever. In the original rules, that type of action is simply prohibited. Alas, much changed from the organization to the actual implementation.

  • August 27, 2014

    Nowadays yes, you can kill other characters, but you do need an IC reason to do so. Takes the fun away when you're not at risk honestly....

  • Member
    August 27, 2014

    He missed the bit where it was "I pissed off the strongest character I could find just cause I could."

  • Member
    August 29, 2014

    Gah! What gives? This doesn't have the "#long" tag. 

    Whatever happened to the new Story Corner tags we set up? I'm looking at you, Soneca. 

  • August 29, 2014

    I was actually debating that.... I mean, this is a TOC with multiple chapters, so it fits into the #long tag, but all of them are one shot stories, so it technically also fits in the #short tag.....

  • Member
    August 29, 2014

    Why not just add another tag for Blackwood stories 

  • August 29, 2014

    We do have one! #ToB, and they're all going into here anyways.