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Wanted: Editor and or Collaborator

  • July 9, 2014

    Hello Skyrim Blog! My name is Benjamin, and I have recently started a blog series entitled "The Chance Adventures of a Young Altmer". The story follows an adolescent Altmer who is on a road trip across Tamriel, and eventually gets caught up in the turmoil in Skyrim. The first entry looks promising, but I can not objectively edit or critique my own work. So, in lieu of this, I am looking for a partner. I can not offer monetary compensation, but I can offer the satisfaction of creating a well crafted character. If you are interested please comment, or message me.

  • Member
    July 9, 2014

    Hey, I read your first entry and it seems promising. I myself am doing a similar thing. I'm not able to be an editor for you but I might be able to help you out concerning ideas or advice. If you would like my assistance drop me a message. I hope everything works out for you. :)


  • Member
    July 12, 2014
    If you're looking for an editor/collaborator, you're asking for a big time commitment. I would be willing to act as a beta reader of sorts, though, if you'd like. That basically involves me reading your first draft and offering critical advice, pointing out grammar issues, and in general giving my first impressions.
  • Member
    July 22, 2014

    Do you still need someone I'm willing to help!