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Dovahbur's Journal of Wilrrick Yngvarr and Delves-Very-Deep- A T

  • Member
    July 4, 2014

    The Journeys of Wilrrick Yngvarr and Delves-Very-Deep- Description

    I have begun writing a personal journal from the point of view of my character Wilrrick Yngvarr, a Nord male from Bruma. The journal follows his adventures throughout Skyrim and begins using the Vanilla start in Helgen. I've been writing this journal for a while now and am currently on Volume 3. This journal will include many many many entries some smaller and some larger, inspired by my hand written journals with a more literary flare. There will also be a few additions concerning my side character Delves-Very-Deep, an Argonian Treasure Hunter.

    Only recently was I introduced to The Skyrim Blog and I thought it presented a good opportunity for me to show my writings to anyone who wishes to read them. My journal will be descriptive when it comes to important events, or combat, though I'll try to write like a slightly educated Nord farmer. Each in-game day there will be a specific entry, and of course some won't be as intriguing or as significant as others. The writing isn't and won't be very formal but from the personal view of a character going through the different trials in-game.

    I've enjoyed writing this journal throughout the journey of my character and I find it to be an easy and enjoyable way for me to chronicle Wilrrick's travels. This journal helps me to build Wilrrick as a character, to build immersion, and to keep all the facts concerning him straight.

    I've played this character on the PC version with the Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn DLCs. I also have several large quest and new world mods like Falskaar and Wyrmstooth. I intend to explore all of these while writing this journal.

    To further enhance my immersion and RP I follow certain restrictions usually enforced by mods. 


    • Sleeps almost every night unless situations prevent it (Regulated by Imp's More Complex Needs)
    • Generally eats three meals a day (Also regulated by Imp's More Complex Needs) 
    • No fast travelling (unless there is a buggy part of the landscape that I need to bypass)
    • Only occasional running. (Ex: In battle, or when the character NEEDS to get somewhere)
    • Definitely no cheats (no use of console commands except for getting unstuck or taking screenshots)
    • When skinning/butchering/gutting I allow a realistic amount of time to go by (Using Hunterborn)
    • Play using the Frostfall mod on Hardcore mode
    • Try not to carry and unrealistic amount of gear though I often stray from this
    • Do not swim in ice water unless it is absolutely necessary or the character falls/is knocked in.
    • Limited use of the HUD

    I apologize if any of the entries have continuity errors and will attempt to fix any if they are brought to my attention. Like I've stated, I've been writing this journal for quite a while, and I may not be able to remember every detail for future entries. I also apologize if any entries go against the Skyrim Blog Rules, I ask that you notify me immediately after spotting any such diversion. Any constructive criticism is most welcome and I'd appreciate any insight or advice you may have.

    My character is currently far beyond the journal entries I am posting presently so I won't be able to post entry specific screenshots having not taken them at the time.

    I hope you enjoy reading the journals, and again; please contact me if you have any suggestions, advice, or criticism. Thanks :)

    Table of Contents

    Character Profile:

    Volume 1 (Ongoing):