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Lazy Rocktime's Lazy Library

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    June 2, 2014

    In 4E 201, Skyrim was devastated by threats of civil war, banditry, hostile wildlife and dragons. Citizens lived in a shadow of fear within their stone-walled homes. Despite this, a plucky young woman coming from Cyrodiil still dares to seek her fortune in this troubled province. On the way she will discover the harshness of life, the sweetness of romance and the inevitability of her destiny as Dragonborn. The experience will most definitely change her, for the better or For the Worse. This is her story. (DUN-DUN)

    Here is where you can find my WIP story, For the Worse. I probably won't be able to write and update that fast (see Lazy Rocktime), but slow and steady gets you likes on The Skyrim Blog. All sorts of criticism and comments are welcome.Anyway, I hope anyone reading it will find it as riveting and enjoyable as I did writing it!

                                                  Table of Contents

    "Prologue": The Soggy Journal of Robina Blackheart

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4 (Coming soon(but not too soon))