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Blogs Worth Reading

  • Member
    May 9, 2014

    Here is a collection of blogs, both old and new, recommended by various members of the site.

    If there is a blog that you feel deserves to be on this list, please mention it in the comments below! We’ll see if it meets the proper criteria. If it does, it will be added promptly. 

    The Adventures of Gwyneth Hawkwing

    By: Christopher Perigoe

    The Dockworker

    By: Clement Bilhorn



    Dragon of the East

    By: Okan-Zeeus



    Elara’s Song

    By: Kynareth



    Kyrielle's Versions of a Series of Events

    By: Kyrielle



    Myth Maker

    By: Shor



    The Outsider

    By: Soneca



    Story of a Breton Farm Girl

    By: Eviltrain



    A Tale of Two Travelers

    By: Rob


    The Seventh Path

    By: Armathyx


    The Story of Luciana Henriette 

    (Fan Given Title)

    By: Piper Jo


  • May 9, 2014
    Seventh Path by Arma is a good one
  • Member
    May 9, 2014

    Ah, that's right! I meant to add that one. I'll get to it.

  • Member
    May 9, 2014

    Heh, I remember the first time I read the word chuffed. For the longest time I thought it had to do with being offended.

  • Member
    May 9, 2014

    Congratulations on teaching me a new word, Rob. 

  • Member
    May 9, 2014

    So, uh, former hosts don't get their blogs linked. I see how it is! 

  • Member
    May 9, 2014

    It's not that big of a deal. I just thought I'd stir up trouble .

    In all honesty, The Last has been a lost cause for months. I drove myself into a hole in the plot and I haven't found a way out yet. 

    The new project is much more interesting and will receive like pretty much all of my attention from now on. 

  • Member
    May 9, 2014

    I still need title suggestions for the new one, by the way. My "suggest things to me" idea hasn't taken off like I wanted it to. The page has been inactive for like 2 days (and I've linked it in several places to try to draw attention to it.)

  • Member
    May 9, 2014

    My apologies - I knew you had a recommendation, I'd simply forgotten to add it.

    Though, perhaps it would be best to wait until you have another entry? I'm sure your blog will be good, but we don't want to put it up here prematurely. 

    If there's a different blog of yours that I could put up, too, let me know.

  • May 14, 2014

    Oh, sweet. Mine's on here. This is cool. In the big leagues now, bruh.