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Analyze a Blog: Dragon of The East

  • April 30, 2014

    Hello, Soneca here, and today we are going to be discussing a blog that has received quite a lot of attention over the last few months. Dragon of The East was featured as a BOTW one week before we started this, and since this week we won't have a BOTW feature, I've decided it would be perfect to have a discussion on this wonderfully written story.


    Other blog Analysis

  • Member
    April 30, 2014

    Now I'm itching to see Falura meet the two Argonians in the cast. That conflict is going to happen, right?

  • April 30, 2014

    From what I gathered from her last chapter and the prologue, this will be an interesting interaction...

  • Member
    April 30, 2014

    It will happen, but not for a while. I already have in mind who will meet up with who and when.

    At first, I thought to make Reinhardt the racist one, having a thing against Argonians. In time, though, I realized that this didn't fit well with his portrayal as lighthearted and easy going. Meanwhile, the Arognian/Dunmer conflict in Morrowind proved to be a perfect source of tension to introduce in Falura. 

  • Member
    May 7, 2014

    So, to everyone who's kept up with my story:

    DOTE has been and will continue to be character driven. I'd like to know what your thoughts are on the four protagonists, now that they've had time to be fleshed out in more detail.

    Who do you like most? Who do you dislike? Who do you want to see more of? 

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments. 

  • Member
    May 7, 2014

    Well, I like Chases the most out of your story. He's easy to get along with and, like me in reality, won't kill unless absolutely necessary. I can't bring myself to kill anything.

    What I'm very itching to see is Chases and Falura meet. Watching them hash at each other would be kind of fun to see.

    I'd like to see more of... action, for lack-of-a-better-word. See some type of fight, whether magical, brawl, or sword play. However, it seems to work well for Chases though. I really like this serious and very eager to continue reading in the future. Keep it up, Okan.

  • Member
    May 7, 2014

    Reinhardt is my favorite, though he could be tied with Chases. Falura is my least favorite, though I can't put my finger on why. I prefer alternating between characters pretty regular, unless necessary, but DOTE has done pretty great with its flow as is.

  • Member
    May 7, 2014

    If you're looking for an action scene, just wait for the next chapter. Do remember that Chases was last in Bleak Falls Barrow. :)

  • Member
    May 7, 2014

    that's true. I did forget about that part. He'll have no choice in that matter then. Something he'd rather not do.

  • May 7, 2014

    My favorite is Falura, her Archtype does draw me in, plus I like her personality. What I want to see next is some sort of antagonist of sort, reading a chapter through his or her eyes would also be interesting.